Chapter 54. The song.

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Iris's POV:

When we arrived home later, I entered the room shared my Bella and myself. I gave a sigh as I settled upon the seat of our desk, getting my breath. Bella walked in carrying our bought items.

"Where do we place all it, Ira?" She asked.

"Somewhere the others shan't lay their eyes upon it, dear," I said plugging my mobile in. "Maybe under me bed?"

"Very well," said Bella.

"We've arrived!" Dad said up the staircase.

Basil gave a bark as she entered the room. Her paws landed on my lap and she gently gave me kisses.

"Hey, baby," I said wrapping my arms round the German Retriever. "How was your stroll?"

"She seems tired," said Bella coming to us. "Have you had a good walkie, baby?"

Basil jumped on Bella's lap. I rose and grinned. "Indeed,"

"Hey, ladies," said Dad strolling inside.

"Hello, dad," I said.

"Did you have a jolly good day?" Asks dad.

"Yes," said Bella. "They very best day I've ever had."

"We took her to Mc Donald's after nine years," I stated. "Did you have a good time, Bella?"

Bella chuckled. "Cease fretting. Without a doubt I did."

"That's great, dear," said dad softly. "I dare say you haven't been back sine that one day."

"Nope," said Bella. "I was very upset that mum and dad were gone that I avoided them. And Eira did not permit me to eat such things."

"Then I shan't confine you," said dad. "Any fast food joint you fancy, just inform me. Iris adores them. Don't you?"

I nodded. "Mostly Mc Donald's."

"I should get the rest from Irwen school." Sighed father. "Winter isn't having a good time there."

"Oh dear," we said.

"Abused again?" I thought.

"Yes," sighed dad. "Mocked her French and her look. Turns out there was some happening in the playground or such."

I sighed. "That school wasn't the best one."

"Well, I should go get them." said dad. "Behave yes."

We chuckled as he exited the room. Then Bella placed the dog on the ground and held me. "Do you know what I yearn for?"

"Nope," I grinned. "Pray, what's her lady desire?"

Bella drew me nearer. "I reckon you understand, love."

I grinned. "Yes, indeed."

Bella softly kissed me. I let out a sigh, relishing it. I encircled my arms round Bella. She had my most love of anyone.

"Ah, Basil wants a smooch, as well!" Bella chuckled.

She stopped her grip and lowered herself.

"She's an angel," I said. "Oh, ouch." Basil wagged her tail and slapped my leg. "Daft hound."

Bella was giggling. "She is a daft hound."

She drew me in once more. "Adore you, Ira."

I drew her near, resting my head on her shoulder. "Adore you also!"

"Oh," came a voice. "You two are cute!"

"Hey there, Winter." I said.

"How'd you know it was I?" asked mine younger sister.

"Your voice and footsteps," I chuckled.

"Ah," said Winter. "Did you two have a jolly good day?"

"Yes," said Bella. "I'm looking forward to Christmas now."

"Elvira informed me you wish to compose a song for Dad, Irisy!" Winter joined our hug. "Do you happen to have any ideas in mind?"

"No," I said. "And don't go round saying it yet."

"I shan't," said Winter. "Sage and Mason are unaware of it as of yet. Though I was talking with Elvira."

"Ah, okay,," said Bella. "That is how.

Basil became quite erratic. She thumped her tail and yapped at Winter who kindly stroke her.



Greetings. Here's chapter 54. I hope you liked it. The next chapter will be out tomorrow, or today GMT.

Kitty out!

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now