Chapter 53. Christmas quest pt4.

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Arabella's POV:

Elvira grinned to us. I clasped Iris's hand as she desired to hold it. Her hand felt chilling for some reason.

"Are you alright?" I asked. "Are you chilly?"

"Somewhat," said Iris.

"We shall be entering a store shortly," said Elvira. "Pray tell where might your gloves be, Iris?"

"I'm afraid I don't have any," said Iris.

"Leave that," I murmured gently seizing Iris's hand and handing her cane to Elvira. "Allow me to give you warmth."

"Ah. Thanks, dear," said Iris.

I joined her hands together and placed mine around hers. Then I proceeded to gently give them warmth. Iris ceased her shivering.

"Is that more good?" I inquired.

She nodded. "Yes. Thank you, Bel."

I embraced her. "No worries. Now, let we proceed?"

Iris agreed. Elvira grinned. "Here you are, Iris."

Iris got her cane and then clasped my hand once more. "So, where would one get a notebook?"

"There's Ryman," I said. "It's the stationary one."

"Very well," said Iris.

Elvira showed the way. I guided Iris, thinking only on my fortune in this moment. I had genuine loving family who adored me and embraced me for my true self. I have an incredible girlfriend who endured trials similar to me. And I was fortunate to be alive and living in a peaceful home where I felt secure.

"Hello," said Iris. "I say, Bella are you in another realm?"

"What?" I was startled when Iris lightly grasped my hand.

"Were we in the sky?" Giggled Iris.

"Um ... yes!" I said. "Sorry."

We were in the shop. Elvira was giggling, as well! "Which option do you wish to select for Noah?"

I examined all the journals. I wasn't quite sure which one to choose. "What colours does he fancy?"

"He's actually fond of Purple," said Iris. "And Blue as well."

I examined all the Purple and Blue ones. "There are many options to select from."

"What do you think of this one?" Asked Elvira gesturing to a blue one. "I think Noah would like that one."

"Ah," I said grabbing it. "And the price is quite good."

Iris grinned. "I'm unsure of what to give Dad."

"We could share it, if you desire!" I said embracing her.

"Very well," said Iris. "But I did wish to get my own gift."

"Perhaps we ought to compose a song?" I proposed. "Every one of us. Along with the notepad!"

"I suppose." Said Iris. "We could share the notebook and me, Mason, Winter and Sage can present the song to him. We always do it."

"Treats!" Said Elvira. "We must give him Sweet treats!"

I chuckled. "Anyone can receive treats for Christmas, Elvira."

"Indeed," said Elvira. "I took the children out to purchase gifts for him, and you pair yesterday."

"Shall we get gifts for Anastasia?" Asked Iris. "She'll be arriving here for Christmas."

"Brilliant idea," said Elvira. "I was conducting information alongside her throughout the term."

"And what does she fancy?" I inquired.

"Apparel," said Elvira. "Footwear and such."

"So normal women things?" Asked Iris.

"Indeed," said Elvira. "Let us buy this for your dad and head to Mango or some such place."

We nodded and proceeded to the checkout. Iris clasped my hand. "I reckon we ought to go halves on the rest. So it'll be special!"

"We needn't bother with that, Iris." I said. "You can get  what you desire for Winter, Sage, Mason and Basil. I do have an inkling of what to get each of them. I walk talking with them and now I've got an idea."

Iris grinned. "Very well. I'm certain they will like your perchases. So long Winter refrains sending hyperlinks. Just as she did to me."

We chuckled whilst we payed for the notebook. I was delighted.



Here is the 53 chapter. The upcoming chapter shall be ever so delightful. Do stay tuned for it!


Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now