Chapter 77. Post supper

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Iris's POV:

"Father!" I walked into the sitting room with Basil who was guiding me having me hand on her collar. "Daisy is injured. Poor girl."

"I figured she was" said father as he rose and strolled over to me. "Where is she at the moment, Love?"

"Bella and my room." I sighed.

Dad refused to listen any more as he walked out the door. I sighed and made me way to Basil's area with the k9. She wined and brushed against me hand. Poor dog.

"She be fine, Dearest.!" I was hoping them words would come to be truthful. 

Basil went and lay down in her area and she put her head on my lap and I sat next to her. She gave  me a gentle lick. I felt so happy to have Basil as a dog friend. She really was the sweetest thing ever.

"You quite alright?" Anastasia cane and wrapped her arms around me. "You were so brave, love."

"I'm alright, I believe," I said. "Exhausted. But alright."

"Heard about Chorus, Honey," said Anastasia. "Don't mind the chaps. They didn't experience what you did for them few months of time."

"I get it," I sighed. "It's not as though I do that constantly."

"Your dad kept me informed." Anastasia sit next to me. "I was concerned. Not sure if you're aware but I love your father. I had hoped to assist all you since the day you lost your sight. I would have been there to support your dad in those tough times."

"Truly?" I was happy. "I dearly wish for you to become a mum figure to me. I would feel secure, Stasia! Yet you are caring for Dahlia."

"It don't matter," said Anastasia. "You, Gracie, Winter, Sage and Mason mean so much to your dad and I."

"And how about Bel?" I asked her.

"And Bella, as well!" Anastasia giggled. "That evening was quite hard for her! I could tell she cared for you deeply. She stayed in your room all those days and wouldn't leave. And at home too."

I felt me cheeks flush. Anastasia began to laugh. "It's written all over your face, Iris! It's clear you love her as well."

I nodded. "I do love her much."


Arabella's POV:

"Quiet now, it'll be fine," I comforted as Daisy wept. "I know it's painful. But you're so strong."

"It's painful to move," wept my friend. "Please get some help!"

"Iris's gone to fetch Noah," I said. "It will be fine, I assure you."

"Dahlia is not aware," wept Daisy as a pain got heer.

"We'll inform her," I said. "Not certain how she'll react. but I'm confident she'll make the try to come se you. Just as Iris did for me and I for her."

There was a knock to the door. "May I enter, Bella, Love?" Noah's voice went through.

"Course," I said. "Do enter."

Door opened up and Noah walked inside. "Pray tell, what's the matter?"

"It pains me so," cried Daisy her body going stiff.

"Hand her over, Bella, Love!" Noah came and took Daisy from me. "I'll handle this."

"Thanks much," I sighed. "Poor Daisy."

"Head to the kitchen, Love," Noah told. "Elvira's setting up a meal for you and Iris. Let her know that Daisy will be held up."

"Of course," I replied rising and going to the door.

I opened door and went out. I gazed at the kitchen door and Elvira was there gazed back. "Is Daiis alright?"

"Afraid I can't say for certain," I said honest. "There's chance she might of come to harm when she confronted them Bitches."

"Super's served, at any rate!" Elvira turned and strolled away.

I strolled along the hallway and popped into the kitchen. Iris was there already. She seemed quite troubled. "So what'll happen?"

"Your dad has her now," I stated as I sat next to her. "Not to worry, Darling. She'll be fine."

"How should we inform Dahlia?" Iris questioned.

"Afraid I don't know," I sighed. "Might be best to gently tell her."

Elvira groaned as she placed the meal in front of me. "Of course. It happens this day out of all."

"What that mean?" Iris ask as Elvira set her plate down and guided Iris's hand toward it. "What happened today to make it that?"

"Would of been our dad's birthday today!" Said Elvira.

I gasped and Iris did as well.

"He passed away shortly after that. Perhaps a few weeks later?" Elvira sat down with us and began eating her own meal. "I can see why you were upset, Bel. We both lost a parent! Not long after we ran into you at Mc Donald's with your father. I can understand with your feelings."

I nodded. "I'm happy to have seen you again, Elvira! It was rather lonely after you and Brooke bid me and Lana goodbye."

"Happy she's found a home," said Iris. "An now you three are close to each other!"

"You alright, Iris?" Elvira stopped her eating and extended her hand to grasp hers.

I turned round and clocked that she was weeping.

"Oh! What happened?" I was proper worried.

"I proper can't stand our Aunts!" Iris said. "It weren't for them, we'd all be with our proper joyful familiies and not feel under threat constantly."

"You are missing Jess?" Elvira gave her a little squeeze. "Go on. Give her a little cuddle, Bel."

I did put me forks down and gave Iris a hug. She was proper upset!

"I reckon you can visit her again innit?" Elvira said. "Probably during the summer, yeah?"

"But the cost of them flights," sighed my bird. "Also shit happening over there makes it hard! It isn't Cousin Isla or such. Just that school is going wrong for her and she ain't coping. If only she was home like I wish."

There was a bit of whimpering from the front room. "Oh," I sighed. "Basil seems to be upset too!"

"Come on, Basil," Elvira said. "Got ya some grub, mate."

Basil came in and walked right for me and Iris, seeming worried about us. She whined and brushed against Iris. Ah, bless the dog.



Hey. Here's chapter 77. 

Sorry about not updating it for a week but I've been busy. Hopefully you understand.

I hope that you liked this chapter.

Also, thank you so much for so many reads on this book. :)

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz