Laslow X Reader- Dancing lesson (Request)

Start from the beginning

It took a while for (Y/N) to get it right. She was getting the whole hand thing mixed up, especially since having Laslow's hand on her back was enough to confuse her, but when they were finally ready to move, Laslow then said, "Now, follow my lead. Look at my feet- If I take a step forward, then you must take a step back, and vice-versa. Got it?"

Just by hearing all those indications, (Y/N)'s head was beginning to dizzy itself already.

"It sounds really complicated, Laslow... Are you sure this is supposed to be easy?"

"It's the easiest dance routine I know. Trust me- You trust me, don't you?"

(Y/N) looked into his eyes. It was difficult for her not to trust him. His eyes evoked such sincerity and such good heartedness.

"I do," she muttered almost mechanically, and before she could even say anything else, the two of them had begun to dance.

Laslow counted to three, and kept on doing it for some time, with the eventual short commentary on (Y/N)'s form here and there.

(Y/N) kept on looking at their feet, and finally, after a good five minutes or so of dancing around, she was starting to get a hang of those steps. They truly had become second nature to her now.

"Just like that, (Y/N). Wonderful, just wonderful."

The compliment made (Y/N)'s blush. She looked up at him, but quickly averted her eyes when she noticed just how intensely he was staring at her. It almost piercing through her- this... adoring gaze of his which made (Y/N)'a throb inside her chest.

"Look me in the eye, (Y/N). You can handle looking me in the eye now that you're getting a hang of the steps," he sweetly chuckled, "What would your future partner think if you kept looking at your shoes?"

"I-I'd rather not! Not if you- Just- Stop looking at me like that!" Even she chuckled, but it was an awkward, nervous chuckle.

"Like what?"

"Like... You're smiling funny and your eyes- Your eyes..."

"I believe what you're seeing is delight," he beamed, "I enjoy dancing with you. You're really getting the hang of this! A good hour more of this and you'll have all the qualities necessary to become the belle of the ball!"

"All of what?" She muttered to herself, slightly confused, "What other qualities are there?"

When Laslow finally realized what he had just said, he immediately became bashful. It amused (Y/N) and made her feel less lonely in her own awkward state.

She laughed and Laslow couldn't help but laugh along, "You're very funny, Laslow!"

"Am I now? I've never struck as the funny kind, unlike Odin- Watch out!"

For a second, (Y/N) completely forgot herself and all the ease she had with the steps suddenly exited her body. She had gone back to being her old clumsy self. She almost tripped on her feet, luckily Laslow was there to steady her (I know it's cliche but give me a break it's Laslow). The sudden protectiveness of him was enough to send a jolt through her.

"G-Good heavens..." she muttered under her breath but none of them moved. (Y/N) was perfectly still in her arms, paralyzed under his touch. Little did she know, Laslow himself was also going through a tiny crisis in his head.

When (Y/N) finally realized what was going on, she immediately backed away.

"- Right. I'm sorry- Are you alright? I hope you are. I wouldn't want you to get hurt, especially because of me, and especially before the ball-"

"I-I'm alright, Laslow. Thanks to you..."

"— Of course, I wouldn't want you to get hurt- ever-"


"— But, darling- (Y/N)- Who will I dance with if you were to get hurt, you know?"

"What- What did you say?" She was so focused on what she thought she heard that the rest of his comment became a blur- darling- did he really call her that? And Laslow didn't even seem to notice!

"Who will I dance with if you ever get hurt, (Y/N)," He repeated, clueless about what his friend meant.

"T-The other girls, like you usually do."

Laslow awkwardly chuckled. How was he to explain to her that he had abandoned all skirt chasing because he had eyes only for her?

"No, (Y/N). I've given up on that sort of thing," he sternly said with the utmost seriousness in his voice.

"Too much rejection?" (Y/N) muttered, an awkward cringing smile forming on her lips.

"Let's leave it at that," Laslow softly lied, "Now then, shall we continue our lesson?" He sighed, motioning for her to hold his hands.

(Y/N) knew there was something more to it than that but she said nothing. She let Laslow have his privacy- She knew how he liked to keep his secrets and so she let him.

Laslow hated lying but he just didn't feel ready to confess to her just yet. Perhaps he'd do it at the ball, or perhaps never. Rejection felt like a natural occurrence to him but Laslow just knew that to be rejected by (Y/N) would be much more difficult to get over, no matter how hard he tried. He thus told himself that he'd rather love her from afar, in a state of complete ignorance as to how she felt about him in return, as to not kill his hopes just yet.

And yet, as Laslow and (Y/N) danced with each other, both of them wondered what the other felt, wondered if the love they so deeply felt for the other was reciprocated.

No confession here cuz reality is what I want and in my reality Laslow is too shy to just blurt out that he loves (Y/N) so instead he just leaves small hints and the tension builds up over time before he finally literally SCREAMS his confession at (Y/N) in a moment of passion and heartbreak. A dancing lesson's just not the right environment for that.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now