x. expect the plan to go off the rails

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Even worse, Derek and Scott couldn't get out of the vault. Then again, that meant Boyd and the girl he was stuck with couldn't get out either.

"Look out!" Allison yelled as Gracie jumped over the seal and into the vault.

Derek and Scott jumped out of the way as the mystery girl and Boyd lunged for them. Boyd hit his target with Scott, digging his claws into his stomach and rising him up into the air.

Scott grunted and searched for the strength to get out of Boyd's hold but he was unable to fight back.

"Boyd!" Gracie yelled, standing on the other side of the mountain ash. He was seething and out of control as he turned away from an injured Scott to glare at her. "Boyd, control yourself!"

He roared a her, furious. Honestly, it scared Gracie more than a little bit. Her eyes glanced over to the mystery girl. She didn't even know her, so it'd be hard to do stop her.

Then Gracie was on the ground, the girl had ran towards her, flying backward when she hit the barrier. The breath was knocked out of her chest when she hit the ground.

Sitting up, she looked at the girl, who stood a few inches from her. She knew who the mystery girl was now and she couldn't believe it.

Whether you knew it or not, the Hale family had been big. Gracie had her parents, Laura, Derek, Peter, and then there was her sister who was born only a year before her that was supposed to have died in the fire.

Well, that's what they all assumed when she didn't show up after the disaster that ravished the Hale house and killed Gracie's parents, along with other members of the pack.

They hadn't seen her for six and a half years and now, all of a sudden, here she was, trapped in a bank vault by the alpha pack. Gracie didn't know if she should be happy or mad to see her –– mad because she never tried to find her or Derek.

"Cora?" She breathed in shock. "...You're alive."

Her sister's face only slight softened as she realized exactly who she had tackled.

Out of nowhere, Derek plowed into her, knocking their sister onto the floor.  Just as the Hale girl looked away to Boyd who was attacking Scott, Derek called out, "No, don't break the seal!"

Her concentration lost, she looked over at Allison just as the taller brunette crouched down to break the mountain ash barrier.

"Boyd!" Allison called, getting the beta's attention.

As Boyd let go of Scott, Gracie tried to wrap her hands around his huge arm. "BOYD!"

Boyd only faltered for a long second before Allison broke the barrier. He ripped away from her grasp and sped out of the vault, Cora on his tail.

Derek angrily stormed out of the vault and grabbed Allison's arm.

"Don't touch her!" Scott pushed him away as he and Gracie approached.

"What were you thinking?" Derek growled at her.

"That I had to do something," Allison shot back.

Scott immediately jumped to Allison's defense. "She saved our lives."

Gracie didn't blame Allison for what she did, but now even more people were in danger now that those two were on the loose. While they may have been in danger, the two betas had been contained. Now they were going to wreak havoc on the rest of Beacon Hills, possibly killing anyone in sight.

"Yeah and what do you think they're gonna do out there?" Derek brought up the point that Gracie made in her head. "Do you have any idea what you just set free?"

Heavenly. Teen Wolf (s.s)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz