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With the new year as well, Chan had to put away the Christmas decorations too...even though Felix wanted to keep it up longer as always...

"But Channie-"

"Kitten, we can't keep Christmas stuff up until summer..."

"Fine..." Felix pouted packing a box, Chan chuckled a bit while he was cleaning up too.

Since the day they cleaned up, Chan was glad there wasn't much of the fake tree tinsel leaving tracks anywhere but...


He was sweeping the kitchen one of the days and vacuuming the living room...seeing now instead a bunch of Felix's hair and fur it sucked up.

Oh...his winter coat is already shedding?

Just like most cats and hybrids, when it was getting closer to spring their winter coat would shed. Surprisingly though, Felix's had started sooner than usual.

It's odd...

Chan muttered seeing some fur on the floor, he sighed some standing up calling for the boy.



"Come here please" Chan called for him, Felix took a minute but padded out their bedroom.

"Yes Channie?" He meowed going up to him with big eyes, Chan gently cupped his cheeks checking Felix's hair and then his cat ears.

"Channie...?" Felix was confused why Chan was checking him, the older stroked his fingers to feel no thinning or anything with Felix's hair. Now checking his tail too.

"Just checking you kitten" Chan gently stroked his tail looking at his fur.

"Checking...? For what...?" Felix meowed, Chan looked at him softly kissing his tail.

"Sweetheart, you're still taking your supplements for your pretty coat and hair right?"

Felix nodded with a blush.

"Yes Channie...is something wrong...?"

"Well, I was cleaning and noticed your fur and hair have been shedding more recently...but your hair is thick as always and your coat is fine. I was just worried some because I think you're winter coat is shedding sooner than normal, but as long as your hair or fur is not thinning then I think we're ok" Chan smiled kissing him, Felix smiled too bouncing up and down.

"Ok Channie! I like the supplements you give me!"

"So cute-"

"They taste yummy like when Channie and I use syrup on our no-no parts!" Felix cheered hugging him, Chan sighed shaking his head.

Horny kitty into the new year too...


"Thank you Channie!"

"I love pampering my kitty~"


Since Chan noticed Felix's winter coat was shedding, he would always pay extra attention to it.
He had the boy in his lap on their bed applying essence to Felix's tail and cat ears. Felix giggled and purred at Chan's soft touches and gentle massages.

"Pretty kitty ears~" Chan softly applied essence to them, now working on his tail. Felix purred louder watching Chan kiss it, the older reached for more essence to drop in his palm and apply to Felix's tail.


"Cute kitty I have~" Chan teased stroking his tail, Felix giggled cupping his cheeks to kiss him.

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