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"Dance time Channie!"

"Ok beautiful princess~"


Felix purred already slipping his arms around Chan's neck giggling as the older slipped his own around Felix's waist.

They started to dance happily to the slow classical music looking into each other's eyes, chan kissed him sweetly telling him small praises in between.

"I love you kitten...my beautiful princess" Chan smiled admiring his sparkly mask, Felix giggled twirling his tail around.

"Channie is my prince! I love my Channie!" He purred kissing him back.

"And our love is always the best my cute kitty~"


Felix purred hiding his face in Chan's chest as they took small steps dancing, he heard Chan him to the music gently rubbing the younger's waist.

"My lovely kitten...so sweet and special..." he whispered near his cat ears, Felix giggled smiling against his chest. He glanced around to see people dancing too, even more this time just like them.

Except for a few lonely people...Including Minho...


He saw Minho gave a small smile raising his glass to him, then took out his phone...Felix could already tell however...Minho looked sad...

Minho probably is sad Sungie isn't with him...he has no one to dance with...

Wait... I know!

Felix suddenly leaned back cupping Chan's face kissing him.


Felix smiled looking at Minho then back to Chan.

"Channie...please don't get upset or jealous..." Felix meowed quietly, Chan was confused by that.

"Um? That's kinda random...why would I? No one is touching my kitty but me~" Chan joked back kissing him, Felix shyly smiled purring against his lips.

"Well...Minho doesn't have a date...and no one to dance with. Look...he's sad and alone..." Felix pointed to Minho who was just somberly looking down to his phone, Chan looked over seeing that feeling kinda sorry for him.


"Channie has me as his date...and to dance with, but Minho has no one. I want to help Minho feel happy, I'll dance with him. Ok Channie?" Felix meowed to him, Chan of course is always jealous when Minho is around but tried to curb it when he could.

He understood what Felix meant, because if it was him without a date...it would suck.

"Ok princess, you can dance with him. Your prince will be waiting for you~" Chan kissed him once more then took his hand in his leading them to Minho, the other heard them step closer to him looking up from his phone.

"Done already? That was-"

"Minho I'll be your dance date too! Since Sungie isn't here!" Felix meowed hugging Minho, the other was confused and surprised by that.

"Huh?? With me? Um Lixie kitty that's nice and all but I don't think Chan-"

"It's ok Minho, it's just dancing. I won't murder you for that" Chan joked Petting Felix's head.

"Oh, well ok then. Sure Lixie kitty, we can dance" he smiled some hugging Felix back.

"Yay! Let's dance and have fun Minnie!" Felix meowed reaching for his hand to pull to the dance floor.

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon