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"Baby I said I was sorry...stop yelling...my head is killing me..." Chan whined.

"Channie you were a bad wolf and got wasted last night! You blacked out and I had to clean you up again...!"

God I feel sick...

The next morning Chan was vomiting with his hangover, eventually he made it to have breakfast with the younger who was scolding him for his bad behavior last night.


"And then you vomited on me too! Bad wolf! Bad!"



Felix smacked the back of his head, he was furious from the mess Chan left last night.

"Kitten please...no more...I'm sorry...I won't do it again..." Chan pleaded dropping his head on the table, Felix just growled getting up to take their plates to the sink.


"Ugh! I told you not to drink so much Channie! We had plans today and now we can't go because you're hungover!" Felix huffed angrily cleaning the dishes on the sink, Chan covered his face taking a deep breath feeling bad.

Today they had planned a date since days ago which is why Felix told him not to drink so much...
But now...it definitely wasn't going to happen.

The older sighed looking over his shoulder to hear Felix keep growling to himself, the younger was furiously cleaning up the sink.

Channie doesn't even feel bad! Today we made reservations for dinner...and then I wanted to surprise him with...

He didn't realize it but he began to silently cry to himself, which the older very much heard.


Chan slowly stood up walking over to him, he heard the boy sniffle feeling his heart heavy the younger was crying. He slipped his arms around Felix's waist trying to hug him.


"Off Chris" he meowed angrily keeping his head down, the older instead tightened his arms leaning closer to kiss his neck.

"Kitty cat...I really am sorry-"

"No you aren't Chris!" Felix snapped turning around to push him off, Chan sighed looking away for a moment. His hangover he was trying to manage but it still made him a bit irritated.

"Felix I said I was sorry a million times! I already said I didn't mean to drink so much, but what's wrong If we can't go out today?? It's not a big deal!" He snapped at the younger, Felix stilled for a moment listening as he glared at the older with more tears.

"It's not a big deal??" Felix scoffed crossing his arms, Chan sighed rolling his eyes.

"No Felix, we go out all the damn time and you're making it seem like-"

"It is to me! How can you say that?? I thought you love all our dates like I do?!" Felix yelled at him.

"I didn't say I didn't! All I'm saying is it's just one date! You're making it such a big deal-"

"Fine! You know why it's a big deal to me?? Because today I wanted to surprise you by taking us to the hybrid store again to write you a love letter!" He yelled louder, as soon as Chan heard that he became quiet with big eyes.


"I-I wanted to write you a love letter like we did before...and take you to the chocolate store to buy you chocolate...a-and show you a new cupcake place...b-because you've been busy with your work..." he cried giving sad meows, Chan sighed feeling worse about snapping earlier and now felt bad for being hungover...


"I-I wanted to do all of that today...because I love Channie..." Felix sobbed wiping his tears away with his sleeve, Chan inched closer reaching to hold his hands.


"But you obviously don't care...!" Felix hissed pushing him away, he walked off but Chan grabbed his arm.

"Baby wait...! I'm sorry, I-"

"Just leave me alone! Have fun with your hangover..." Felix growled sarcastically yanking his arm away to stomp off to their room slamming the door, Chan gave a loud frustrated groan looking at the door.

I didn't mean...
I didn't know he was planning all that...if I did I wouldn't have drank so much-
Well...he said it was a surprise...which explains why he said last night not to drink so much...

Chan was sighing as he went to sit back down and drink water, he felt bad he hurt Felix's feelings with his words. He gave it a bit before attempting to talk to him.

Chan went to finish cleaning up the sink, then a bit later he heard their door open.


"Kitten?" He dried his hands seeing the door open, rushing over right away.

"Baby! Please, listen-
Wait...where are you going??" Chan asked in confusion seeing the boy had showered and changed into his black shirt and jeans. He had that same angry kitten look on him as he stepped out walking past Chan.

"Out, I'm going to see my friends" he meowed coldly grabbing a water bottle from the fridge walking past him again.

"What?? Kitten wait, we need to talk-"

"Why? You made it clear it's not a big deal, why bother?" Felix scoffed at him going to the door, the older realized the boy was still furious and hurt...no sweet talking would win him over.

"Kitten I didn't know-"

"Chris I'm not angry that you didn't know it was a surprise...! I'm angry...that you hurt my feelings...because you didn't care about our date before I told you about it..." Felix teared up again turning around glaring at him, Chan cupped his cheeks kissing his nose.

"Beautiful kitty, I'm sorry I said-"

"You meant what you said to me...you don't think our dates are special anymore..." he started to cry again.

"Kitty cat no...! I do think each one is special-"

Chan tried hugging him but Felix pushed him off.

"Save it Chris, I don't want to talk to you and I don't care anymore either..." Felix growled wiping his eyes as he slipped on his shoes opening the door and walking out.

"Kitten...?? Shit..." Chan sighed slipping on his shoes running out after him down the hallway to the elevators, the boy was about to push the button but Chan grabbed his hand.


"Felix you aren't leaving until we are done talking this through-"

"Chris I already said I don't want to!" Felix snapped at him pulling his hand away.

"Felix yes you will-"

"Don't even try to say I have to because you're my owner! If I don't feel like it then I don't!" Felix hit the button seeing the doors open walking in, the older rushed in front seeing the boy hurry to close the doors.

"Kitten no...! Don't go...! I love you-"


Before he could say anything else the doors closed and Felix was on his way down, he only sighed pressing his hand to the doors.

"Kitten...I'm sorry..."

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now