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Felix started but then stopped, he looked around to his clothes on the floor which Chan did as well. Then he noticed something else...

"Hold on, kitten why are all your cute clothes and panties on the floor?" Chan asked looking around, the younger gave a shy meow looking at them then at him.

"I-I was going to get rid of them..."

Chan's eyes went wide in shock once again.

"Baby what?? Why in the world would you-"

Chan started but then stopped when he thought some more.

"Kitten, does this have something to do with you dressing different recently? Because I was just doing laundry and I noticed you haven't worn any of your extra cute clothes or panties all week" Chan asked skeptically, Felix was quiet once again not saying a word. The older lifted his gaze to him feeling worried.

"Kitty princess...please tell Channie what's wrong...? I'm worried..."

Felix felt bad hearing that, finally confessing his feelings.


"L-last week at the lingerie store...while Channie was on the phone..." he started as he pulled at his tail, Chan remembered with a nod.


"I-I was looking at panties...b-but these girls that worked there...said some stuff...a-and didn't know I could hear them whispering..." Felix gave a sad meow covering his cat ears, Chan reached for his small hands holding them in his own.

"Ok, and what did you hear?" The older asked delicately, Felix was quiet again but then already was emotional tearing up.


"T-they said I was a freak and weird because I'm a boy...and I like dresses and panties..." Felix started to cry, Chan's heart broke hearing the boy say those words.

"What?? Kitten-"

"T-they said it's wrong for me to like pretty things...and I'm a freak...s-so I didn't want anyone thinking I was one anymore...that's why I stopped wearing my pink clothes...a-and my make up...and my other pretty stuff... they said it's wrong and gross Channie..." Felix sobbed, the older was furious those girls said rude things right in front of Felix. Not only that, but insensitive sexist comments about his preferences.

"Baby, no no. You are not a freak, come here..." Chan pulled the boy against his chest hugging him, Felix already cried into his neck giving sad meows.


"Kitty cat, listen to me...as I always say, what strangers say...none of it is true! There is nothing wrong with what you like, nothing wrong at all. You're beautiful the way you already dress-"

"B-but Channie-"

"But you aren't the only one right? Hyunjin and Jisung like to wear lace and panties too. Dresses, skirts, make up, cute bows and bells on their tails like my kitty~" Chan petted his head, Felix leaned back looking at him with big eyes.


He nodded as the older cupped his cheeks wiping his tears away.

"So? We've seen plenty of boys like us wearing whatever they want, there's nothing wrong with being different. Hell, we even saw some girls dressing like us too, remember? Oh! Like Miya, she loves wearing men's pants right?" Chan smiled, Felix thought about it smiling too.

"Y-yes...a-and she hates skirts...but she likes
boy-shorts and jeans!" Felix meowed.

"See? Everyone likes what they like~
Those dumb girls at the store have no damn clue what they're saying, they probably don't even know what periwinkle panties look like~" Chan teased, the younger was starting to giggle and purr now.

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now