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After Felix's graduation ceremony and Halloween passed, it was beginning of November once again and he was more than excited to do his side job of working interior design with Miya.

"Felix! I have us our first job!"


"Really?? What is it??"

The two met up at another hybrid café, Miya had some news to share with him and the boy was excited as ever.

"Ya! This Fashion Designer will be moving into a new condo soon and saw our flyer at my workplace and asked about it! She wants to hire us!" She meowed happily showing Felix her iPad.

"Omg really?? Yay!! That's amazing Miya! What does she want us to do? Partial or-"

"She wants us to do the entire condo for her! Look! She's well known already in the fashion Industry! Her name is Minju and she's gonna pay us a lot!" Miya giggled showing Felix all her info, the boy twirled his tail with much excitement meowing too.

"I wanna do it Miya! When should we meet her??"

"Me too! This will be great for our portfolios! And she said she has time this afternoon if you do? I am free too! So we can call to meet her!"

"Ok! Let's do that! I'll call Channie to let him know!"

"Perfect! I'll call her now to see what time she wants us to meet!" Miya hugged him.

The two went to make their calls, Miya was calling the client at their table while Felix stepped outside the cafe to call the older too.

"Kitten? Hi cute kitty~"

"Hi Channie!"

"How's my kitty doing?" Chan teased as he was typing at his work desk, Felix purred hearing the older's voice looking around the city.

"I'm great Channie! Oh! Channie guess what?? Miya found us our first client already for our freelance business! We might meet her this afternoon, I wanted to let you know in case I'm home late for dinner..." he meowed shyly.

"Wow, your first client? I'm very happy and proud of you baby! And that's alright, I'll be home the usual time so you kitties have fun. And be extra careful meeting this person, ok? Call me if something feels off" Chan said the last part with some seriousness, Felix understood considering how protective Chan is of him.

"Ok Channie! I will! Thank you! I'll see you tonight Channie!" Felix giggled.

"So cute...see you tonight too kitty cat.
I love you~"


"I love you more Channie!"

Felix ended his call shortly after to go inside the cafe sitting down again.

"I'm back Miya!"

"Hi Felix! So I called her and she said 4 pm is perfect for us to meet her! It's 3 pm now, you want us to finish our smoothies and then go see her? She will meet us there!"

"Ok! Let's do that!"

The hybrids chatted and hung out a bit longer, then when time came closer they booked a Taxi to go.

"Oh wait...Miya what's her address?" Felix asked as they got in.

"Oh! Here! Excuse me sir, please take us here!" She asked the driver showing her phone, he looked at it nodding before typing in his maps.

"It's about a 20 minute drive Lixie! It's ok, we'll be there soon! It's a really nice and fancy condo close! It's near Star Lost boulevard!"

"Star Lost...boulevard...?" Felix looked down thinking for a moment.

That sounds familiar....I think?

The two resumed their chatting as Felix was glancing out the window...and when they arrived...

"We're here! See how nice it is Felix?" Miya meowed stepping out the car with him, the boy's eyes went wide seeing the condo he very much knew.

"I...I used to live here..." he muttered quietly but Miya didn't here him, she pulled him to the entrance to see the client there.

"Hi! I'm Miya and this is Felix! Are you Minju?"

"Hi! I am! Nice to meet you!" She smiled shaking their hands, Felix was still processing everything since he kept looking up to the building remembering old memories.

This was...where Channie first brought me...

"Ok! Let's show you both what I would like done!"

The two followed her inside, and the more they walked around the more nostalgic Felix felt...and then...

"This..." he blinked to see her open the door to the condo flat...the flat him and Chan used to live in.

"I just bought the place and it seems like no one has lived here in years since the previous owner!" She joked pulling them in, Felix felt his heart skip a beat seeing the place empty with no furniture...just how they left about 4 years ago...

The living room...

"I have my furniture coming soon, but I wanted you both to take a walkthrough!" She smiled guiding them around, Miya and her kept talking while Felix was in his own thoughts remembering the first time Chan brought him here...

"You can sleep in my bed Felix, it's ok!"

He remembered when Chan offered him his bed, and when the older said he wanted Felix to stay.


Miya and Minju were still talking while Felix was looking around, the walls and windows were the same...even the carpet and kitchen.

"Oh and this is the bedroom! Come take a look Felix!" Minju gestured showing the two, Felix nodded slowly following in, and more memories came back to him.

He was visualizing everything that used to be there, the bed...furniture...and emotional things...like the first time he slept with Chan...the first time he was scared of storms and Chan came home to him...

"S-sorry, what did you ask?" He stuttered not realizing she was talking to him.

"Oh! I was saying that I want a more updated design of the walls...they're quiet boring...and the carpet is not luxurious as I thought. I have no budget but I'm willing to pay for the best quality! I'm not sure who lived here before, but they don't know much about fashion and style like me. I think I saw, whomever a Bang Christopher is? That's what it said the last ownership was signed to" she joked some looking around, Miya became quiet looking at Felix because she just realized it...That is Felix's owner.

The boy looked at the walls then back at her.

"T-that's my owner..." he said softly, Minju looked to him confused.

"Pardon...? Wait...oh! So you mean, you both used to live here? What a coincidence~" she laughed lightly petting his head, Felix nodded some.

"Y-yes...this was my first home-"

"Well, that means you know this place better than me of getting around! I'll give you both the aesthetic I'm looking for and just give me your layout plan in the next few days! I'm email you the color scheme I want!" She smiled walking off looking around again.

"Ick, especially with these boring ugly walls...sorry kitty, but your owner needs some taste" she teased some over her shoulder, Felix shyly looked at them then to her.

"I-I actually have always liked them-"

"Well I'm off to my studio! The door will lock once you both leave! We'll be in touch! Bye~"

She left within seconds out the room, the was a moment of silence as Felix looked around.

"Felix...I didn't know you used to live here...that's so cool! That's kinda lucky our first job is a place you already know! You excited still?" She meowed looking around, Felix gave a small meow feeling a bit of sadness...

Everything of our old home...will be erased...

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