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The rest of the night it did unexpectedly storm, Chan comforted the hybrid holding him close trying to keep him calm.




"Shhh, it's ok kitty...I'm still here"

Felix cried into his chest hearing the loud sounds of thunder, tonight was definitely a bad storm too from the heavy rain pouring. Chan sighed looking at the window seeing flashes of lightening and feeling the hybrid shake in his arms.


Felix lifted his head looking at the window too then to the older with teary eyes.






The next round of lightening knocked all the power out again in the area, it was pitch black as the TV shut off. The older sat up holding Felix against his chest looking around to see it was dark as hell.

"Fuck, of all the times...! Another power outage-
Kitten?? Wait...!"


Felix gave a scared meow jumping off the older and running away somewhere, Chan of course couldn't see like Felix could with his cat night vision...so he didn't know here he went.

"Great...he's freaking out even more..." Chan sighed feeling around for his phone, he turned the flashlight on shining it around the penthouse.

"Kitten! Where are you baby? Come back to Channie..." Chan pleaded calling for the younger, but with the loud heavy rain and thunder it was hard to hear his meows.

Oh boy...

Chan texted Minho and his other friends asking if they had power outages too, they all confirmed so. He knew it would be a while then before the power would come back on, but he needed to find out where Felix ran off to.

"Sweetheart? Make some noise for me kitty...Channie needs to find you..." Chan looked for him again around the place, he checked his study and gym...with no sign of the boy. Eventually assuming Felix would be in his closet.

"Baby...? You in here...?" Chan walked in shining his phone light around, surprisingly Felix wasn't there.


He kept looking and looking, barely hearing anything from the hybrid either. He checked the bathrooms and even his own closet, still no sign of him.

"Where in the world did he go?? I know he didn't leave the penthouse-"



Chan froze hearing a small meow in their room as he was looking around, he flashed the light around on the floor then saw something poking out from underneath their bed...the tip of Felix's tail.

Think I found him...

Chan got on the floor shining the light underneath, there he found Felix scared and meowing covering his cat ears.

And there he is...
Definitely a cat...

"Baby have you been under here the whole time? Come on out...it's just another outage..." Chan said softly reaching his hand, but Felix sniffled shaking his head.


He refused to come out making the older worried again.

A scaredy cat...

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now