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"Channie...you have to go soon~"

"Mmm...but I want my kitty with me~"


It was another Friday night and the older was invited out with his friends for drinks and hanging out, he was changed and ready to expect for the fact he was clinging on to the younger still.

Felix was seeing him off by the door but Chan kept kissing him nonstop trying to persuade him to come to his outing.

"Come on kitty princess, it will be fun if you come~" Chan teased holding his waist and kissing his lips, Felix kept purring and blushing kissing him back.


Come with Channie kitty kitty~"


Felix twirled his tail around feeling the older slip his hands under his sweater touching his body, he meowed against his lips gripping his fingers in Chan's hair.

"All my kitty has to do is change out this very sexy outfit...even though I wouldn't mind having naughty time again in it~" Chan smirked eyeing his brown off shoulder sweater he loves on the boy and cute thigh high socks he wore with his boxers.

"Channie I already told you I'm staying in to study, you go have fun with your friends" Felix parted from his lips with a blushing smile, the older started to whine and pout though.

"But baby it won't be fun-"

"Channie stop saying that to get me to go! You will go and be a good wolf, understand?" Felix gave him a look pushing his hands on his chest, Chan sighed with a pout looking away.

"Yes kitty princess...I'll be good and go..."

"Good Channie! And not too many drinks because I don't want to deal with Channie drunk coming home and we have go out tomorrow" Felix meowed rubbing his shoulders.

"Well now you sound like me-"

"Channie don't you talk back to me!" Felix gave a kitten glare, Chan huffed and nodded.

He gets scary at times...

"Yes kitten...I'll be good...I'll miss you..." he pouted with puppy eyes, Felix wrapped his arms around his neck kissing him.

"I'll miss you too Channie! You have fun with your friends!" Felix smiled kissing his cheeks, the older smiled even more hugging his waist.

"Thank you baby~
Can I have a few more kisses before I go?"

"Oh sure Channie! Kisses for Channie!"

"Mmmm you know I love them~"

The two resumed their passionate kissing session, Felix was giving him a few more kisses before letting him go...until...


"Channie" Felix growled loudly pulling away from his lips.

"Yes kitty cat?~"

"Channie get your hands out of my bottoms!" Felix scolded him, the older had slipped his hands down to squeeze his ass.

"But I'm gonna miss this booty..." Chan pouted squeezing it more making the boy give needy meows.


"Channie stop that! You-"

"Let me eat you out before I go~" Chan smirked winking at him, Felix sighed rolling his eyes.

Always so needy!

Felix agreed to letting him do so before leaving.

"Ah! Channie!!"

"Damn that was hot~
And delicious as always~" Chan teased licking his fingers with the boy's release, he ate him out on the couch flipping him on his back.


"Chan..." Felix panted out with tired eyes coming down from his high, the older smiled cupping his cheek to kiss him softly.

"Thank you for the snack baby, I'm gonna go now. Ok?" He teased slipping Felix's boxers back on, Felix gave a small purr and blush nodding.

"Y-yes Channie...have fun!" Felix giggled sitting up cupping his face to kiss him, the older giggled against his lips petting his head.

"Mmm well maybe I can stay longer-"

"Channie don't start that! You will go out" Felix pulled away scolding him again, the older chuckled pecking his lips once more.

"Yes baby, I'll see you later. No waiting up for me, ok?" Chan winked at him getting up to go.

"Ok Channie! Bye bye!" Felix giggled waving at him the older gave one more farewell before heading out, as soon as the door closed the penthouse was silent.


I already miss Channie...

The younger didn't want to show it but he indeed would miss the older while he was out, but as always he wanted to let Chan have fun on his own with his friends.

It's ok...I have a lot to do!

He meowed to himself getting his things to study, he did that most of the night and some laundry while cleaning up some things. Close to midnight he noticed Chan was still out and didn't text him at all, assuming he was having fun.

I hope Channie is having fun!

Felix went and brushed his teeth to go to bed, he snuggled under the covers with his plushies watching some TV.

"Sailor moon!" He giggled snuggling his plushies watching his show, a bit later on he fell asleep with it on and around 3 am Chan came home...very drunk...

"Babbyyy immm backkk~" Chan stumbled in the penthouse calling for the boy, it was dark while he kept tripping over himself.

"Ow...! Shit....kittyyy cattttt~" Chan picked himself up walking to their bedroom, he giggled in his drunk daze seeing the TV on and the boy in bed.

"Awww kittyyy is asleeepp~" Chan smirked removing his Jean jacket tossing it on the ground, he inched closer crawling on the bed.

"I'mmmm hommeee babyyy~" Chan giggled climbing on top of him, the boy meowed stirring awake some.


"Hm...Channie...?" He squinted his eyes rolling on his back, the older licked his lips pulling the covers off the younger.

"Giveeee Channiee those kissess~"


The older grabbed his jaw kissing him already with tongue, he snuck his hands under Felix's sweater sliding it up. Felix gave a small growl tasting his mouth.

"Ew! Channie what did you drink?? You taste yucky and you smell like bad alcohol...!" Felix grimaced pushing the older back from disdain on his mouth, Chan snuck his hand down to Felix's crotch parking him as he kissed him again.

"Whiskey and Jackk~"


"Ugh! Channie you reek of it! And it tastes nasty! How much did you drink??" Felix scolded him reaching to turn the light on, when he looked back he saw that dark wolf gaze on the older.

"Hmmm likeee tennnn~" he bit his lip pushing the boy on his back again, Felix gave a startled meow seeing the older pin his wrists to the bed.

"HUH? Channie that's too much-"

"Doesn't matter, I wanna fuck my kittyyy~" he growled leaning down to kiss him again and roll his hips, Felix growled louder turning his head away.

"Channie no! I don't wanna have naughty time if you taste and smell like that yucky alcohol!" Felix growled loudly, Chan sighed and whined leaning back.

"Babbbyyy I wanna touch-"


"Oh my god Channie?! Not again..." Felix sighed seeing the older fall off the bed and black out, he shook his head crossing his arms.

Channie was bad and didn't listen...ugh!
He gets punishment for being wasted!

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now