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"My cute kitty~"


The two went two rounds, Chan still was being gentle with the hybrid from his tail sensitivity. The younger was snuggled against his chest playing with Chan's fingers in his small hands.


"Hm?" Chan hummed with his eyes closed, Felix looked up meowing quietly.

"I love you Channie...I'll always love and take care of Channie so he isn't alone...or sad..." he meowed cupping Chan's cheek with his small hand, Chan opened his eyes hearing the boy speak to him. His heart melted yet again looking into his eyes.



Felix leaned closer kissing him softly, the older slipped his arms around his waist kissing him back more as the younger started a soft kissing session between them.


"Channie..." Felix purred pulling away looking into Chan's eyes, the older smiled reaching to pet his cat ears.

"And I'll always love you more my sweet kitty...you make me so happy Felix"

The hybrid giggled with a blush kissing Chan's lips and cheeks.

"Channie is my soulmate! Oh...Channie..." Felix slowly sat up meowing, Chan stroked the back of his fluffy head admiring his freckles.

"Yes kitty cat?~"

"Um..." Felix shyly looked away, Chan cooed at his timid meows reaching for his small hands.

"Hm? What are you thinking baby?~" he teased some more kissing his hands and small fingers, Felix purred loudly from his touches seeing Chan kiss each one softly.


"Channie..." he giggled some more, Chan kissed the palm of his hands interlocking then with his own.

"Tell your wolf Channie cute kitty, what's that adorable brain thinking?~" Chan winked, Felix giggled with a shy smile twirling his tail.

"Um...I-I was thinking...for Channie's birthday...does Channie um...want a surprise cake...?"

"Hm...if my kitty makes it I'll gladly enjoy any kind of surprise cake~" he teased, Felix purred with a giggle.


"And as long as I have my kitty cake too~"

"I'm Channie's kitty cake!" Felix meowed and giggled loudly.

"Yes you are, so-"

"Channie can have my booty anytime for his birthday!"

"HUH? Oh my-"

Still no filter...


The couple went another round before resting again, Felix was in his lap purring into Chan's neck quietly as the older was rubbing his waist and checking his phone.

More and more emails...

He sighed seeing more work things, not really in the mood to deal with any of that so he just tossed his phone to the side. Chan glanced down to see the boy asleep in his hold making him smile.

So precious~

He gently wrapped his arms tight around Felix's waist pulling the boy to lay down, resting on top of him nuzzling his face in Felix's shoulder.

"Cute kitty..." Chan hummed closing his eyes, both were asleep for some time until Felix heard his phone vibrate.


Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum