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End of July had another sale at plenty of stores Felix had to check out, definitely bringing Chan and his credit cards too...

"Come on Channie! This store next!"

"The lingerie store? Baby we just spent like $400 at 6 other stores..." Chan whined carrying plenty of shopping bags, the younger gave a pout hugging his arm.


"Channie pretty please?? It's the last one! I wanna see what panties and lacey stuff they have on sale!" Felix begged giving him big eyes, Chan sighed looking at the entrance of the store seeing the signs.


"Please Channie? I...um..."

Oh I know!

Felix gave a loud purr wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Please Channie~
I'll get lots of more lacey stuff for naughty time too~" Felix purred with a smirk, as soon as Chan heard that he definitely wasn't tired of shopping anymore.

"M-more lace??" He stuttered, Felix nodded kissing him.

I think I saw online they had the see through ones too you like~" Felix giggled, once Chan heard that he was all in going to the store.

"Well fuck! What are we waiting for?? let's go kitten!" Chan had a wolf gaze kissing him as he grabbed Felix's hand pulling him to the store, Felix giggled meowing as he followed.

Channie's weakness is lace and naughty stuff~

As soon as they went in The younger saw the giant sales areas.

"Channie look! Let's-"


"What? Great...kitten, I have to take this call. You go on ahead and I'll join you soon" Chan sighed looking at his phone, Felix nodded with a small meow kissing his cheek.


"Ok Channie! I'll go look at the lace and panties!" He giggled, Chan petted his head pecking his lips.

"Good kitty. Be right back~" Chan teased going back outside to take his call, Felix watched him place the bags down starting to talk about his work.

The hybrid gave his attention to the sales again, he rushed over to see plenty of panties and designs on sale.

"Pretty panties!" He giggled looking at them already, he was picking some up looking at the designs.

Wow! This one has-

While he was looking he noticed a few working girls were staring at him, he thought nothing of it as he went back to picking up a few more. The girls had started to whisper however...and with Felix's heightened senses and hearing...he was able to listen...

"Ew, is that a boy hybrid getting panties?? What a weirdo..." one of them scoffed whispering to her coworker.

"Right?? I know they want to be androgynous or whatever, but even if they want to wear our kind of clothes and stuff it's still gross and weird. Ugh..."

"I know! I bet he even wears dresses~
What a freak~" one of them snickered with the other as they walked off, Felix however froze as he understood and listened to every word...his feelings definitely hurt...


He gave a sad meow looking over his shoulder to see them assisting someone else, Felix looked back at the panties in his hand tearing up.

I'm a freak...?

He dropped them as he was thinking to himself about his clothing choices, he loves to dress pretty and effeminate sometimes. He saw nothing wrong with wearing clothes from either gender, he's seen plenty of others do the same...but hearing what they said made him feel sad and self conscious...

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now