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"Channie the fried rice is almost ready!"

"Ok! Coming kitty princess!"


Later that evening after their long workday the pair had showered since they couldn't use the bathtub still, now Felix was helping cook dinner while the older was paying some bills in his study office.

"I'm here baby, need any help?" Chan rushed out to the kitchen to see the boy sautés the rice in the wok.

"Hm...oh! Can you check the steaks in the oven please Channie?"

"Steaks? Sure" Chan petted his head to go check, Felix added a few more spices still cooking and meowing to himself.


"Ok kitty cat, steaks look almost done too. That rice looks delicious~" Chan teased slipping his arms around his waist looking over his shoulder, Felix giggled as he turned the flame off the stove.


"I-I added lots of vegetables just how you like Channie!" He purred moving the spoon around, Chan cooed as he kissed the younger's fluffy head and cat ears.

"Mmm, thank you kitten~
My kitty knows me so well~"


Eventually the pair finished up cooking and started to have their dinner at the table talking about random things.

"Channie when will be able to have bath time again?" Felix meowed twirling his tail, Chan took a bite of steak chewing and thinking.

"Hm...I think by end of week? The plumbing guy is supposed to come on Friday I think"


The two continued to talk about plenty of things until they finished eating.

"Thank you for the delicious meal kitty cat, it was very good~" Chan teased winking at him, Felix giggled and purred taking their dishes to the sink.

"I love cooking for Channie!" He meowed walking back over to him, the older sipped his water leaning in his seat.

"And I love my princess~" he smirked reaching for Felix's hand, the boy blushed and purred louder seeing Chan kiss it.


"Come here cute kitty~"


Chan gently pulled the boy in his lap holding his waist against his own.

"Such a beautiful kitty I have..." he whispered looking at the boy lovingly, Felix giggled and smiled twirling his tail around.

"C-Channie is more beautiful!"

"Well, your beautiful wolf would like some very sexy naughty time. Can I make love to my beautiful kitten?~" Chan hummed cupping his cheek, Felix's cat ears perked up getting excited.

Naughty time! Yay!

"Yes Channie! Let's get naughty!" Felix meowed wrapping his arms around his neck, the older licked his lips suddenly picking him up to take to their room.

"Fuck yes kitty princess, time for some dessert~"



Both wasted no time stripping and getting in bed to fuck plenty, the older fucked him hard on his stomach and now had the hybrid riding him nonstop.

"Oh fuck kitten...just like that...ah~"

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu