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It was beginning of October as well as Chan's birthday in a few days...and also today was one of the days which Felix was dreading...

It was the day for his check up...

Chan told him it would be today, but he didn't tell the boy what time knowing the younger would try to hide. Felix was thinking about it and thought maybe Chan had rescheduled or something since the older was passive about it all day.

It was after midday and Felix was playing games focused on the living room floor...not paying attention to Chan around the penthouse...which was much to the older's liking.

Eventually when it was almost 1 pm, Chan came near the couch glancing at the clock then below to the boy.



"Your appointment is in 30 minutes~" he said loudly, as soon as Felix heard he paused his game starting to panic.

"Huh?? My appointment?? I-I thought you-"

"Canceled it? Not a chance kitty cat~
Get ready to go-"


Felix suddenly stood up running away to their bedroom, Chan just watched with a smirk seeing Felix sprint to the door.

No doctors! I-

He tried to turn the handle but it wouldn't budge, it was locked with a tight cloth around it. Felix kept trying but had no luck, his cat ears perked up hearing Chan's footsteps behind him.


"Hm? Is kitten trying to hide?~" Chan smirked inching closer, Felix turned around seeing him and then ran off again. Chan gave a small laugh watching to boy run to the other side of the penthouse, the older slowly followed as he leaned against the couch.

"He can try~" Chan whispered to himself, Felix was frantically trying to hide but...

Chan's study door was also locked...

And their extra room, and laundry room...

Even his gym...

Everything was locked and closed, meaning Felix couldn't hide anywhere.

"No...no no no! I don't want the doctors...!" Felix whined as he ran back down the hall, he peeked around seeing no sign of Chan near the kitchen or living room. He didn't hear him either...

Maybe...I can go outside!!

Felix rushed around the corner to the front door, but was met with Chan blocking it.

"Going somewhere?" He narrowed his eyes to the boy, Felix gave a scared meow trying to push Chan out the way to run out.


Chan however grabbed him throwing the boy over his shoulder.

"Channie put me down! I don't want doctors-"

"Bang Felix I already told you weeks ago to behave, you are going and you know you have to" Chan spanked his thigh walking towards the bedroom, Felix kept meowing and whining scratching at Chan's back.

"Channie I don't wanna...! I-"

"Felix, if you act up and try to hide no treats for a month. I mean it" Chan scolded unlocking the door, Felix growled and pouted allowing Chan to take him to his closet.


He gently put him to stand then grabbed his wrists.

"Go change right now for us to go" he demanded, Felix huffed pulling his hands away.

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now