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Chan cleaned them up and ordered another round of sweets and hot chocolate like the night before, he left the tray on the side as he went back to cuddling the boy under the blanket near the fireplace.

"Pretty fireplace kitty~" he whispered spooning him, Felix purred in his sleep pressing his cheek further into the padded blanket as Chan held him tighter.

The older hummed gently petting his head, he closed his eyes some thinking about their day.

I'm surprised from the fall he still wanted naughty time...mostly his heat making him horny though~

Chan gave a relaxing sigh stroking Felix's waist, the younger twitched his cat ears still fast asleep. The older smiled watching the hybrid roll over and nuzzle his face in his chest.

So precious~

Chan gently stroked his back kissing his cheeks and lips, whispering loving words to the boy.

"My cute kitty...I love you..."


Chan giggled quietly when the boy meowed in his sleep, making him softer by the minute.

"My princess-"


"Hm?" Chan saw Felix slowly open his eyes, the younger gave another sleepy meow looking up.


"Hello my sleepy kitty~
Your body feel ok? From naughty time and falling in the snow?" Chan rubbed his back kissing his lips, Felix shyly kissed him back nodding some.

"A little...my body is kinda sore though..." Felix mumbled with a pout.

"Mmm, that means kitten needs a massage~"


"Channie...?" Felix watched the older sit up and roll him gently on his stomach, Chan reached his palms to Felix's waist gently pressing it.

"Let's take care of my kitty~"


Felix quietly purred from Chan's touches nuzzling his face in The blanket, Chan smiled as he massaged his shoulders and upper back.

"This feel nice princess?" Chan leaned closer to his cat ear whispering, Felix nodded purring louder.

"Mmhmm..." he purred in content feeling his aches go away, Chan kissed his cheek as he massaged him a bit more.

"Ok, that cute body feel better? I did order us some more sweets you like~" Chan teased petting his head, Felix opened his eyes slowly sitting up and turning his body some.

"Sweets...?" He meowed when he saw the tray of confections and cakes, and their chocolate drinks.

"Yes baby~
I got us more hot chocolate, it should be warm still-"

"Hot chocolate!!" Felix meowed loudly twirling his tail, Chan gave a light laugh kissing his cheek.

"Alright, let's have our hot chocolates~"


Felix watched Chan slide the tray closer, he patted his thighs giving his attention to Felix.

"Come here cute kitty, come to wolf Channie!" He praised, Felix gave a needy meow quickly crawling into his lap meowing his name too.

"Here I am Channie!" He giggled purring and rubbing his face in Chan's neck, Chan giggled back cooing at his meows.

"Yes my kitty is, hot chocolate time pretty kitty princess~"

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now