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While Chan was busy with his workday, so was Felix with his planning and project. He was focused all morning at their kitchen table with his iPad and laptop outlining some things.

Close to lunch time Chan called him.


"Channie? Hi Channie!"

"Hi cutie, how is my kitty?~" the older teased.

"I'm great Channie! I got a lot of work done! I'll be having lunch soon-
Oh! Will you be coming home for lunch??" He meowed eagerly.

"Actually, you won't believe who one of Jeongin's patients is...Jihoon! You remember kitten?"

Felix stilled for a moment because of course he did...

...that was Chan's ex...


"U-um yes Channie, what about him?" Felix tried not to sound jealous or nervous answering.

"Well surprisingly he came in to get glasses and I saw him, he wanted to say hi and have quick lunch with me to catch up since it was a while! So, I can't come home for lunch baby but I'll be home for dinner this evening. Ok?" Chan said happily, Felix held back a sad meow looking down.


"Y-yes Channie, I-"

"Hold on...
Minho what? Right now?? Ugh fine...
Baby I have to go help Minho, I'll see you tonight! Love you kitty princess~"

"O-ok Channie, I love-"


The line ended suddenly as Felix looked at his phone, he let out a sad meow feeling uneasy from what Chan said.

"Channie...is having lunch...with him...? His Ex..." he meowed sadly.

Felix couldn't really think straight or focus on his work, only thinking about Chan having a fun lunch with Jihoon.

He went to go and have lunch himself ordering some food to deliver, in the meantime he went to the bathroom. Still in his thoughts with worry...

When he finished washing his hands he looked himself in the mirror. Slowly bringing his small fingers to his neck to touch the marks Chan left.

He knew he shouldn't feel jealous or territorial from what Chan explained last time...but even though the older and his Ex were just friends now...he couldn't help feel that hint of worry of what if...Jihoon could do something to make Chan go back to him...


"Channie said...I'm always...his..." he meowed quietly looking at the marks, he gave another sad meow looking down.

Channie promised...but why do I feel like this...?


Felix tried working the rest of the day on his stuff, making some mistakes because his focus was wary but nonetheless finished by the time Chan came home.

"Kitty cat? I'm Home~"


"Channie?" Felix meowed coming from their bedroom, he showered because there was a point his emotions overwhelmed him causing some tears so he wanted to make sure Chan wouldn't noticed it he showered.

"I'm here baby, picked us up some food too! Let's eat~"

"Ok Channie..." Felix smiled some following after, but behind that smile was still uneasiness...

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat