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"Kitty Princess...I can't really cuddle you like this..."

"Huh? Why Channie?"

"Because you brought out all your plushies! They're in the way..." he whined.


The two kept cuddling and watching a movie until Felix wanted gummy Candy and all his plushies...
all of them...

He brought out the giant cat, the giant unicorn, the sharks, even marmalade and Pashmina. Placing them all on the bed around them but they were in the way of the older.

"Can't we just leave this one over-"

"Channie you leave sprinkles alone!" Felix growled grabbing the giant unicorn to hug, Chan huffed pulling it again.

"Kitten let go-"

"No Channie! Stop being a meanie to my plushies!" Felix growled and glared at him.

"Baby I'm not being mean! I can't cuddle you with so many here! And damn marmalade keeps poking my side" Chan huffed again pushing it away, Felix gasped grabbing the other plushie too.

"Channie stop that!"


"I want my plushies and you can't stop me!" Felix hissed, Chan rolled his eyes sighing.

"Baby, you're giving them more attention than me and I don't like it!" Chan gave him a look, Felix stuck is tongue out at him.

"Channie stop being a big baby! I want sprinkles instead of you!" He said on purpose purring and snuggling the unicorn, Chan lost it at that.

You little-

"That's it"

"Hey?! Channie stop that!" Felix yelled as Chan tried pulling the plushie away from him.

"Felix, let go of the plushie or punishment" Chan demanded, Felix glared and growled holding on to it.

"No Channie! Sprinkles is mine!"

"Bang Felix! You better-
Ow!! Felix?!" Chan yelled in pain as Felix shoved him on his back, grabbing all his plushies to cuddle.

"Leave us be Channie!" He growled at him, Chan clenched his jaw about to go feral.

He's asking for it!

"Bang Felix, you have to the count of 3 to let those plushies go and come here right now" Chan threatened pointing to his lap, Felix gave a pout still growling at him.

"Nuh uh Channie! My plushies are more important!"

Chan scoffed in disbelief giving the boy a look of a wolf again.

"Kitten, I mean it. You come here right now or-"

"You can't make me do shit Channie!" Felix stuck his tongue out again at him, Chan was now at his breaking point.

"That's it! Come here!"


"Channie no! Hey?! My plushies!!" Felix whined seeing Chan roughly pull him into his lap and throw all his plushies on the floor.

"Bad kitty I have acting up again" he growled holding the boy against his chest.

"Lemme go Channie!! My plushies-
A-ah...! W-where are you touching Channie?!" Felix gasped to see the older grip his waist and sneak his hand down his boxers.

"Kitten gets edging as punishment, no cumming until I say so~" Chan smirked near his ear, Felix moaned and whimpered his name.

"A-ah...! M-my plushies Chan-

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now