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"My kitty is delicious~"


That evening after Felix finished work the pair had their date night out and then came home getting intimate right away, the older wanted to get extra kinky fucking the boy with only candles lighting the room and using chocolate syrup.


"Sweetest kitten in the world~" Chan teased lifting the younger's thigh over his shoulder, Felix gave shy giggles and blushed watching the older drizzle the syrup all the way down his thigh to his hip.


"Time for some more dessert~" he winked at the younger sensually licking it up and biting marks, Felix purred his name giving more soft giggles and meows.

"Chan~" he twirled his tail around from the older's touches, Chan smirked glancing down as he licked and kissed more marks on his thigh groaning.

"Ah...Channie..." Felix giggled covering his eyes, the older licked his lips raising an eyebrow.

"Oh? And why is kitten giggling when I'm tasting him?~" he teased stroking the younger's thighs, Felix moved his hands covering his cat ears still giggling.

"B-because I'm Channie's chocolate kitty! Chocolate is Channie's favorite!" He giggled, Chan gave a small laugh too cooing at his response.

Always adorable

"Yes you are baby, my very own chocolate kitty~
And Channie wants more~" he winked at him again leaning closer to his thigh licking up more chocolate, Felix gave a low purr watching the older's other hand reach for his member stroking it.

"Ah...y-yes Channie..."

"So cute...I'm gonna enjoy my chocolate kitty princess all night long~"



However with the Café changes and increase in customers, the younger had a very busy week, as well as working on his final project. He was tired most days...almost to the point he was too tired to be intimate with the older for a whole week.

Chan always understood of course...but missed touching him, most nights the younger would come to bed later feeling exhausted.

It was the 4th night like that, Felix was pretty much in Chan's study working on his project when home using the extra screens.

It was Thursday night past 10 pm, Chan was getting ready for bed...hoping Felix would come too. He slowly made his way to his study, leaning against the doorway seeing Felix focused on the computer.

Still the same...

He gave a small sigh tapping on the door getting Felix's attention.


"Hey baby...are you...coming to bed soon?" Chan asked softly biting his lip, the younger gave a small meow eyes still glued to the screen.

"Um...later Channie...I have a lot more to do..." he mumbled clicking the mouse, Chan hummed nodding as he looked at the time on the wall then back at the hybrid.

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin