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After the two opened up gifts they went outside to play in the snow, but then it was getting closer to evening so they made Christmas dinner to eat too.

Now they were on the couch cuddling with Christmas movies...but...

"Play! Channie let's go play in the snow again!"

"Kitten Channie is tired..." Chan whined as the boy was kissing him bouncing on his lap.


"But Channie it's snowing again! I wanna play! Play with me! Yay! Yay!" Felix meowed loudly with excitement, Chan was exhausted after their busy day and just wanted to relax.

"Sweetie no more playing..." he sighed holding his hips, but Felix kept bouncing on him.


"I wanna play! Come on Channie!" He meowed louder in his face. Chan closed his eyes sighing again.

God help me with this cat

"Baby I already said no more snow play today, I'm-"

"Channieeeeee I wanna play!!!" Felix meowed in his face kissing him again, Chan softly kissed back petting his head.

"Mmm...kitten, let's just watch-"

"I wanna play with Channie!" Felix meowed with a big smile, at this point Chan realized the boy was hyper and not listening.

"Baby, listen to your wolf-"

"Play! Let's make snowmen! Oh and snowball fight!" He giggled saying all the things he wanted to do, they already did those things earlier and Chan was too tired to even think to do more...

Jesus help me



"I wanna make snow angels too!"

Chan finally decided to get the boy to tire himself out, and by that he grabbed Felix's new laser pointer toy that was near the end table.


Chan pressed the button shining the light on his chest.

"See the pretty light kitty kitty?~" Chan lured him with it, Felix stopped bouncing as he stared at the light with dilated eyes.


He nodded reaching his small hand to scratch at Chan's chest, the older smirked starting to move the light around the couch. Felix already with his cat behavior followed it on the couch and wherever Chan moved the light around.


"Go catch the red dot kitty princess~" Chan teased moving his hand around.

And his plan worked, he continued to relax watching the movie as he tilted his wrist around. Pointing the light all over the place while Felix chased it around meowing.


Felix was running in front of Chan to the window, then behind him. Chan giggled a bit seeing Felix play around with it.


Almost for 15 minutes Chan kept Felix occupied with it as he watched the movie, eventually he didn't hear meows anymore.

"Hm?" Chan looked around and didn't see Felix, the light was shining near the wall as he looked for him.

"Kitten? Where did you go?"



Chan raised an eyebrow hearing it was quiet except the movie, he turned off the laser light standing up to look for Felix.

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