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Felix went and came back from his overnight trip, the older of course missed him and happy to see him again but had to go to work while the boy slept in.

"Baby I'm going!"




He's asleep again I bet...

Chan was rushing to leave and letting the hybrid know, but when he got no response he went back to their room to say bye but instead saw Felix passed out under the sheets again.


Chan smiled walking closer to crouch down and let his head admiring his sleeping face.

"I'm leaving princess kitty...I love you~" he whispered kissing his cheek, Felix gave a sleepy meow snuggling into his pillow.


"Sleepy kitty~"

Chan kissed his head once more before getting up to go, he left a small note near Felix's phone before heading out.

Almost 5 hours later Felix woke up from his tiredness but still felt lethargic...

"Hm...? Oh...Channie went to work...? Oh..." he yawned getting up out of bed stretching, he padded to their bathroom to wash up and get his day started.


"Hm...?" When he was stripping he felt his thighs wet, looking behind him his ass was as well.


Felix reached his hand to his bottom, his ears perked up feeling he was wet more than usual...meaning he was in heat again.


He felt worried about to call and tell Chan in case of any wave of pains that would come on, but then remembered what Jihyo told him.

"Oh...! The cherry juice! That should help since Channie is busy!"

He meowed happily excited to try it after he showered and got himself dressed, padding out to open a bottle and have with his late brunch. After he ate and had a cup, he was drinking more and relaxing on the couch.

"It's yummy!" He meowed licking his lips, he was relieved his body didn't feel hot like sometimes or extra aroused either. He felt normal even in heat.


Moments later Chan was calling him.


"Channie? Hi!"

"Hey baby, I'm checking on my kitty~
You were still asleep when I left, you had lunch?"

"Oh yes Channie! I had brunch and I'm drinking the cherry juice you bought me! It's yummy!" He giggled.

"Aw. My cute kitty-
Wait...cherry juice...hold on...kitten are you in heat??" Chan said with a sense of panic.

"Oh, I think so Channie! My tracker said not for another week or so...but I felt my bottom and it was wet more than usual" Felix meowed drinking more juice.

"What?? Well shit...have you been like this since you woke up?? Why didn't you call me?? I'll come home right now-"

"Oh it's ok Channie! You don't have to! The cherry juice is yummy and it's been helping my heat! I don't feel any pain or want naughty time right away!"

"Really?? Ok then...I mean I'm glad it's helping you sweatheart-
Huh...? Minho I'm on the phone!!
What...? Right now...? Ugh...fine..."

Felix gave a small meow hearing Chan talk to Minho in the background.


"Baby I have to go, but I'll be home after work as soon as I can ok? You call me for anything with your heat, ok princess?"

"Ok Channie! I will! I love you!"

"Love you too cute kitty~



Felix felt no worries with his heat, he loved the cherry juice. Chan did too, he liked the fact it would help the younger if he wasn't around...but the next day Felix kept drinking it.

And by that he felt no need for Chan to help him physically like he usually would...and by the third day it felt strange for the older.

Chan missed making love to the boy in heat, he missed how intense the boy would become like a sex addict almost. And with the cherry juice, it brought Felix's libido to zero.

The third day after their workday Felix was drinking more juice while him and Chan ate dinner, the older glanced up at him watching him drink it.

"So um...kitten, your day was ok today? No heat pains or...feeling your body need naughty time...?" Chan asked softly.


"Hm? Oh yes Channie! My body is great! It's like I forgot I'm in heat! I love this juice so much!" Felix giggled twirling his tail eating some noodles, Chan nodded with a small smile.

"I can tell you like it very much kitten...um, maybe you should ease up a bit on drinking so much..." Chan mumbled looking away for a moment, Felix was confused hearing that.

"Huh...? Why? It tastes good and it helps with my heat-"

"But I want to be the one helping you kitten" Chan spoke up looking at Felix with sad eyes, the younger wasn't sure what he meant though.

"You...helping me-"

"*sigh* Yes baby, I miss me being the one to help you with your heat...making love to you to help your body pains...taking care of you when you need me...I miss all of it..." Chan reached to hold his hand, Felix gave a small meow looking down.


"Kitty cat, I know we have the juice to help when I'm gone...but you've been using it for 3 days now...and you haven't been in the usual mood for naughty time either..." Chan leaned closer interlocking their fingers.


"Princess, I know it's your body and you can do what you want...but I wanted to tell you how I felt...like I always say, even though your heats can be intense...I love it so much that I get the privilege of helping you and taking care of you as much as I can" he smiled some kissing the back of his hand, Felix blushed with a small smile nodding as he understood.

"I-I like when Channie helps me too...and takes care of me..." he purred some with a smile.

"Well, will my kitty save that cherry juice for when he really needs it like if I'm on a work trip so I can have my sex kitten back~" Chan winked at him.

"C-Channie don't say that...! I-I'm not a sex kitten..." Felix mumbled pulling his hand away.

"Oh yes you are when you're in heat, which I've very much missed the last few days~" Chan smirked winking at him again, Felix gave a pout crossing his arms.

"Am not Channie..."

"Mmm, yes you are~
Especially when you're heat has you begging for my cock-"

"Channie don't ruin my dinner and juice with naughty talk! You behave right now or else!" Felix growled loudly scolding him, Chan sighed with a pout.

"Yes kitty princess..."

"Good wolfy! If Channie behaves he gets treats!" Felix switched back to purring reaching to pet Chan's head, the older just nodded.

"Wolfy will behave..." he pouted some more.

He's my owner more and more these days...

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