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The pair ended up falling asleep in each other's arms after so many rounds, being it after midnight when the younger stirred awake some.



Felix woke up to the sounds of rain tapping on the glass, his eyes slowly opened to see it raining in the night.


He lifted his head some seeing more, at first he was worried it would storm. His cat ears twitched feeling anxious, but then he felt the older's arms tighten around his waist.


He gave a small meow glancing over his shoulder feeling Chan kiss his neck and shoulder softly. The sound of the rain seemed to have woke Chan up too.

"It's ok baby...go back to sleep, it's just rain..." he whispered nuzzling his face in Felix's neck, Felix started to feel calmer as he purred from Chan's affection.

"Ok Channie..." he meowed quietly snuggling back into his pillow, the older hummed giving more soft kisses as he tried falling back to sleep too. Felix's purring became quiet as he was trying to go back to sleep...but the rain coming down even more had him still worried...

He opened his eyes again staring at the glass seeing more and more rain, pouting as he watched it.

I don't like storms...

Felix still was wide awake, just staring out the window...and Chan could tell by how his tail kept twitching between their bodies.

"Sweetheart...you still can't sleep?" He whispered softly against his neck, Felix just nodded with a small meow.


Chan hummed as he opened his eyes, he gently stroked the younger's bare waist kissing his shoulder some more.

"Kitty cat, look at me please..."


Felix timidly rolled over facing Chan with a worried look, Chan gave a small smile cupping his cheek.

"It's gonna be ok princess, it's only rain...if it does start to storm I'm right here" he sweetly kissed his lips trying to keep him calm, Felix started to purr again as the older gave him more soft kisses.


"Yes Channie...Channie makes me feel safe..." he purred with a smile, Chan giggled a bit kissing his cheeks and lips some more.

"Beautiful kitty...you know I only love smiles on my kitty~"

"Channie makes me smile!" Felix meowed twirling his tail around, the older petted his head kissing his nose.

"Cutest smile-"

Suddenly they both heard low grumbles of thunder, Chan looked over to see it pouring outside.


"C-Channie...? That was Thunder...!" Felix meowed sadly sitting up and looking to the window, he already was anxious again reaching to pull at his tail.

"Baby don't pull at your tail, come here..."

"Channie..." Felix teared up feeling the older pull him against his chest hugging him.

"It's ok sweet kitty, you have me...I'll take care of you" Chan said soothingly pulling them to lay down again, the younger whimpered his name hiding his face in his chest.

"Channie...Channie..." he gave sad meows as they both heard the thunder roll in, getting louder and louder.

"It's gonna be alright baby, no storms will hurt you..." Chan hugged him tighter kissing his head, the boy sniffled holding on to him.

"C-Channie I can't sleep..." Felix looked up at him with teary eyes, Chan gave a small sigh cupping his cheek.

"I know...how's about we talk about something instead, hm?" Chan smiled kissing his nose, Felix felt a little better hearing that as he nodded.

"C-can we talk about our date...with the cable car...?" Felix meowed with big eyes, Chan kissed his lips hugging his waist tighter.

"You know we can, tell me what you want to do that day~" Chan smiled looking into his eyes, Felix started to giggle some at his cat ears perked up.


"Can we have brunch first?"

"Mmhm, anything my kitty wants~" Chan reached for his small hand to interlock their fingers, Felix blushed with a smile as the older kissed his hand softly.


"What else my kitty wants to do?~" Chan teased kissing his lips, Felix pursed his lips looking around thinking and then he realized something.

"Channie...you always ask me what I want to do...but you don't always tell me what you want instead..." Felix meowed with worry, Chan kissed his nose looking into his eyes.

"Because anything my kitty wants to do, is what I want too~"

"Channie...that sounds silly! You have to wanna do stuff too!" Felix giggled twirling his tail.

"Only silly for my kitty I am~
And I'm always happy to do anything kitten wants, I'm suggested some new places before for our dates~" Chan smirked rolling the boy on his back crawling on top of him, but now Felix was too focused on him forgetting about the storm much to Chan's relief.

"W-well what does Channie wanna do for our date?" Felix purred wrapping his arms around his neck, Chan already leaned down to kiss him heatedly as he felt up his thighs.

"Well, we can go to the movies to see that new film that came out~" Chan said against his lips, Felix nodded with a big smile.

"Ok Channie! We can go to the movies! What else??"

Chan hummed as he closed his eyes thinking for a moment, when he opened them he had a big smile.

"Well, after the movies we can have dinner then the sports store maybe?"

"Sure Channie!"

"So cute you are~
And after we will finish up with the cable car ride, hm?" Chan kissed his cheeks and lips, Felix meowed with more excitement kissing him back.


"Yes Channie! Let's do everything!"

"Perfect kitty cat~
Well, it looks like got my kitty calm. You ok to sleep now-"

"I want naughty stuff Channie! Hurry up!"

"Now? I-

Felix pulled him into a tongue filled kiss sneaking his hands to Chan's member below, the older gave a small groan feeling the boy stroke him.


"Let's cum Channie!"

"Oh god damn..."

At least he forgot about the storm...?

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