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"*Sigh* Baby....turn off your alarm..."



Chan opened his eyes to hear Felix's alarm going off, he was asleep on the younger's back squinting his eyes some.

"Baby..." Chan sighed again looking down to see Felix whining in his sleep.

"Hush..." Felix mumbled pressing his face into his pillow, Chan rolled his eyes reaching for it himself to turn on.

"Finally...well, time to wake up-"

"Don't wanna..." Felix meowed plainly as Chan tried waking him up, he gently petted his head kissing his cheek.

"Kitty cat, come on-"

"Channie be quiet!" Felix growled trying to push Chan off, the older huffed some sitting up.

"Felix, no growling. We have to wake up for work" Chan said sternly rolling the boy on his back, Felix whined louder covering his face with his pillow.

"Channie I'm staying home! Let me sleep!" He growled again, Chan raised an eyebrow at his off behavior.

"Huh? I thought you wanted to come to work with me-"

"Does it look like I god damn do? No! So let me sleep!!" He pulled the pillow from his face shoving it at Chan before rolling on his side away from the older, Chan was still baffled by his angry mood.

"The hell...why-"

He stopped as he started to think for a minute, sighing when he thought of something.

Let me guess...he...

He reached his hand in Felix's boxers, earning a hiss already from the boy.

"The fuck?! Get your hand away from my ass Chris!" He hissed glaring at him, Chan used force pushing the boy on his stomach pulling his boxers down.

"Felix stop it and behave"


Felix kept growling and hissing trying to squirm away, but he gave a sudden meow stopping his movements when he felt Chan's fingers slip inside him.


"Christopher!!" Felix yelled at him, Chan just sighed as he looked at Felix's ass...

He's in heat again...

It explained why the younger was suddenly in a mood and tired, Chan looked down to see Felix's wetness between his cheeks. Feeling even more of it on his fingers and inside the boy.


"Alright calm down, I'm leaving you alone...you're in heat again kitten..." Chan pulled his hands away showing the younger his wet hand, Felix just rolled his eyes pulling his boxers back up laying down again.

"Do you want a prize for figuring it out? My god..." Felix huffed and sighed again, Chan took a deep breath wiping his hand on his shirt.

Well if he's this bitchy...this one is gonna be rough...

It was rare with Felix's heat for him to be this angry, only a few times it's happened with his moodiness. Chan knew how to handle it...but he never liked it...

He took another deep breath closing his eyes.

Ok...just sweet talk him like always, extra affection and attention...

"Princess kitty, do you want me to make you breakfast-"

"If I wanted damn breakfast I would have asked for it, now leave me alone to sleep Chris!" Felix snapped at him with a look that could kill.

Oh shit...

Chan was scared as hell already, slowly getting off the bed backing away.

"O-ok, I'm going...! Go back to sleep baby..." Chan said softly walking off, Felix just growled pulling the sheets over his head. The older shook his head going to the bathroom alone.

God help me today...

Chan went to shower himself, when he was done he stepped out seeing the boy in bed still.


He wrapped the towel around his waist, carefully stepping around to Felix's side. The hybrid was asleep again snuggled into his pillow. Chan slowly sat down next to him petting his head.



Felix stirred awake some seeing the older above him.

"Hi cute kitty, I was checking on you-"

"So you disturbed my sleep yet again to say that?? Ugh! Go away!" Felix growled angrily smacking Chan's hand away, the older sighed once more looking out the window.

How I hate these kind of heats...

Chan never liked how bad Felix's angry heats would get, he could handle the sad emotional ones, hell...even the sex maniac ones...but the 24/7 angry cat heats...

were torture...

"Fine...I'm going" he huffed a bit going to get himself dressed, after 10 minutes he finished up fixing his tie stepping out to look at their bed. He slipped his hands in his pockets going to the doorway.

"Baby...I'm going to work now-"

"Bye then!" Felix growled loudly snapping at him from under the sheets, Chan bit his lip trying to hold in his frustration. It was silent for a moment as he leaned near the door frame.

"I...love you kitten..." Chan said quietly hoping the boy would say it back, instead he heard more growls. Chan felt a bit of sadness, but he didn't blame the boy...it was his heat making him act like that.

I guess today will be a long one too...


Felix didn't call or message Chan the entire day, not even responded to the older's messages to him.

"Geez...this cycle must be really bad..." Chan was at his desk checking his phone, when he had a break with his lunch he went home to check on Felix.

"Baby? I'm home! You doing ok?"



"Oh boy..."

Chan came in the penthouse to see the TV on in the living room, the younger was on the couch crying and eating plenty tubs of ice cream. Felix meowed hearing Chan come home, he had a tub of ice cream in his hand as the older stepped closer.

"Baby what's wrong?? Why are you crying?" Chan saw the empty tubs on the end table rushing to sit next to him on the couch, Felix was sobbing and shaking his head.

The older had an idea why as he glanced to the TV then back to the boy.

"I-I was watching this movie and it's sad...! A-and I wanted ice cream...but I miss Channie...and I-I don't know what to do...! Why do I feel sad Channie??" He cried louder, Chan sighed reaching to take the ice cream from his hand placing it on the end table.

"Sweetheart...it's your heat that has you emotional like this, it's ok. I'm right here..." Chan kissed his nose picking the boy up holding him into his lap, the younger crying and hugging him back.

"Channie...! Channie..."

"It's ok princess, I'm always here-"

"Channie I'm horny..."


Chan furrowed just eyebrows hearing that, the younger leaned back giving him big eyes.


"Channie fuck me..." he whined rolling his hips.

"Oh geez..."

His heat definitely has his emotions a mess...

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now