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After the two cleaned up and had their bath, they went to sleep passing out in bed after so many rounds. Close to 2 am Felix woke up not feeling tired anymore.


Oh...I can't sleep again...

He looked over to see Chan sleeping and spooning him, the younger quietly snuck out his hold getting out of bed. He pulled the sheets back in Chan smiling at his sleeping face.

Channie is cute!

He grabbed his phone padding out the room slightly closing the door, making his way to the kitchen for some juice.

"Apple!" He meowed to himself getting a glass, he drank some while checking his phone then decided to go look outside on the terrace.


He tried not making much noise sliding the glass door open, stepping out with his fuzzy socks on.

"It's nice out still..." he smiled enjoying the cool breeze from so high up, he walked around looking at the stars and the moon.

The moon is so pretty too! It always reminds me of...when I used to live outside though...

Felix was recalling his past, before Chan found him...even though it was distant and many years ago...it was still a memory to him.

He gave a small sigh going to the railing looking down to the busy city.


"People are still out having fun..." he smiled resting his chin on his arms people watching, eventually he started to meow and sing to himself.

"Still on my mind..." he hummed and meowed.



Felix's cat ears perked up hearing Chan's voice, he turned around seeing the older approach him.

"Oh...hi Channie, why are you awake?" He meowed innocently, the older slipped his arms around his waist kissing him.

"I should be asking you the same kitty cat, what's wrong? Your heat make you feel sick again?" Chan asked with worry petting his head, Felix shook his head Blushing.

"Oh, no Channie...I woke up and had the insomnia thingy again..." he purred hugging the older.

"Ah, my kitty can't go back to sleep...well, that was me a few minutes ago when I felt the bed empty. I got worried when I don't see you baby..." Chan stroked the back of his hair hugging him tight.


"Oh...sorry I made you worry Channie! I just wanted to see outside again...and I saw the moon and..." Felix trailed off turning around to look at the city again.

"Hm? You saw the moon and my kitty got excited?~" Chan teased hugging him from behind looking over his shoulder to the city below as well.

"Kinda...I was thinking about my life again before Channie found me...how I used to live outside and see the moon each night..." Felix mumbled, Chan felt sad hearing the boy mention his rough past again.


"Living on the streets was bad...b-but at least I had the moon and the pretty stars that made me happy each night...I used to name the stars sometimes I think...? I can't remember really..." the younger meowed looking up to the sky again, Chan felt sadder holding him close.


"Even though I didn't have any friends or anyone who liked me...at least the stars were my friends..." Felix meowed innocently, the older felt like tearing up hearing that.


"Channie...?" Felix gave a sudden meow feeling the older hug him even tighter hiding his face in his neck.

"Princess...my sweet kitty...I'm so sorry again you had to live like that...you didn't deserve it...no one does..." Chan muttered sadly, the younger became quiet looking down as he placed his small hands on Chan's arms.


"I know I always say it...I know I can't change your bad past or any bad memories, but I'll always make sure you have a happy life and future with me kitten...you deserve everything in the world with such a pure heart you have..." Chan kissed his cheek, Felix began to purr twirling his tail around.

He slowly shifted in Chan's hold facing the older as he cupped his face.

"Thank you Channie...for always loving me and taking care of me...I'm always happy...Channie is the one who found me..." Felix smiled, the older started to smile back leaning closer to kiss him passionately.


"And thank you, my beautiful kitty princess...for making me the happiest man alive with your pure and sweet love you give me everyday...for being my one and only blue eyed soulmate forever...I'm always more than happy to take care of you, you're my sweet kitten~" he teased lightly the last part kissing his nose, Felix blushed and giggled hugging him.

"Channie is my soulmate forever and ever! I'll always love Channie because he loves me the most!" He purred into his neck, Chan smiled even more hugging him back.

"And I'll always love one precious blue eyed kitten forever, my princess kitty..."


The two stayed in each other's arms for a bit, Chan cooing at the boy's loud purring.

"Well, is my kitty sleepy yet?~"


Felix looked up at him Shaking his head.

"Not yet Channie..."

"Ok, well you wanna-"

"Let's fuck more Channie!"

"HUH?? Right now-
Whoa!! Kitten??"

"Yes Channie! Let's fuck until morning!!" Felix giggled suddenly pulling Chan inside running to the couch and pushing him on it.

B-baby we-"

"Fuck me up Channie! Dick me down!!" He giggled with a loud purr, Chan in shock of those words.

Oh Jesus...his heat with this no filter...
He learns something new all the time...god help me

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