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"Cute kitten~"


After their long day the pair had bath time and now in bed cuddling...which turned into some hot making out.

Felix purred loudly as the older was on top of him kissing him heavily, pressing his hips down against the younger's earning more purrs.

"Mmm...Channie..." Felix blushed gripping his fingers in Chan's hair feeing the older slip his tongue around his own, the older smirked against his lips roaming his hands up Felix's thighs and boxers.

"Hm? Channie wants more kitty kisses~" he teased, the younger giggled against his lips kissing him more. The pair were going at it for quite a while until Felix pulled away catching his breath.

"Channie..." he meowed with dilated eyes licking his lips, Chan smiled licking his own sneaking one hand under Felix's shirt and reaching his other to cup his blushing cheek.

"Yes my cute kitty?~" he smirked admiring the boy's reddened glossy lips, Felix meowed playing with Chan's hair.


"T-tomorrow, can we go explore the flower gardens?" He asked twirling his tail.

"Anything my kitty wants, you know we can~" Chan kissed his forehead.

"Yay! Thank you Channie-"

"But tonight, I want to explore kitten~" he winked reaching his hand lower from Felix's waist to his boxers, Felix giggled watching Chan remove his bottoms.

Channie can have me anytime!" He purred kissing him, Chan groaned against his lips reaching to cup the younger's ass.

"Oh fuck...yes baby, Channie wants you right now~"


The two got right back into it again, both giving needy moans feeling their bodies rub up on each other.


"Sexy kitty~" Chan snuck his fingers between his cheeks spreading them, but as soon as he did he heard Felix growl.


"Y-yes Channie...?" Felix meowed with big eyes seeing the older look down.

"Did you just growl at me?" He asked quietly.

"N-no Channie...more kisses please!" Felix smiled pulling him into more, Chan melted into his touches kissing him back...but when he slipped his fingers to the hybrid's entrance he heard him growl again.


He leaned back looking down then to Felix's face, noticing the boy's tail was twitching.

"Baby...you just growled at me again...I know you did..."

"N-no Channie...um...I-"

"Felix, you only growl when you're angry or hurt" Chan narrowed his eyes holding Felix's hips, Felix gave a shy pout looking down.


"So which is it, are you angry with me?" He demanded, Felix shook his head meowing.


"*sigh* Ok, that means something hurts. What hurts kitten?" Chan sighed rubbing his hips, Felix bit his lip trying to lie.

"N-nothing hurts Channie..."

Chan bit the inside of his cheek staring him down for a moment.

This little-

"Bang Felix, what have I said about lying to me?" Chan gave him a look, Felix pouted even more crossing his arms.

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now