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"Mmm fucking finally~"


Even though Felix's heat finished the following days, he did stop drinking the cherry juice bringing his normal body libido back up.

Which was perfect since it was Saturday night and Chan finally finished his project, he had to work on the weekend all day Saturday but now was happy to be done.

Which meant he could spend time with Felix again and finally become intimate after what felt like forever.

"Finally I have my kitty to myself all night long~" Chan teased licking his lips, Felix gave a shy giggle and purr rubbing his small hands on Chan's shoulders.

After they had dinner Chan of course couldn't wait to fuck the boy plenty in bed, stripping them both down to nothing as he felt up his body under the sheets nonstop and kissing the boy.

"C-Channie can have me all night~" Felix purred twirling his tail some, Chan smirked roaming his hands down the boy's waist under the blanket and sheets, earning more giggles from the hybrid giving him plenty of affection he's missed all week.

"Fuck yes baby, all night for me to make plenty of sweet love to my sexy kitty~" Chan teased back feeling up Felix's bare thighs, the boy twitched his cat ears slipping his arms around chan's neck.


"Give your wolf those kitty kisses baby~"


Felix purred loudly pulling the older into hot and sweet kisses, Chan groaned against his lips feeling his body more turned on especially after a week of not having the energy for any sex. But oh does he have a fuck ton of it now.

"Mmm...damn kitten, you may be the one done with your heat but now your wolf feels like his just started~" Chan growled slipping his tongue in, the younger gripped his small fingers in Chan's hair giggling at his comment.

"Channie~" Felix gave more soft giggles against his lips, Chan hummed starting to roll his hips against the boy's. He made their make out much more heated feeling their members touch each other.


"Ah...Channie..." Felix whimpered his name gently tugging on the nape of Chan's hair, earning more sensual groans from him as he gripped his hands harder on Felix's thighs.

"All mine kitten~"



Felix opened his eyes hearing their doorbell ring, he saw Chan kept kissing him not even wanting to bother with it.

"Mmm...Channie..." Felix shyly pulled away licking his lips, the older just hummed again kissing him still ignoring the door.


"Channie...someone is at the door~" Felix giggled feeling Chan kiss down his jaw to his neck.

"And?" He said without a care already marking the boy, Felix purred and meowed stroking his fingers in Chan's hair.

"And don't you want to see who it is?" Felix meowed, Chan kissed back up to his lips sneaking his hands down to Felix's waist.

"Nope, it's kitten time~
Not doorbell time" Chan teased back, Felix laughed twirling his tail around.

"Channie you're silly!"

"Only for kitten I am~"


Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now