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The couple ate plenty more sushi and then walked around the city for some dessert, the time was going by getting closer and closer to 11pm...

11pm they were going back to the sushi restaurant for Felix to try and meet the sushi lady...but he was nervous.

"You ready kitten...?"

"Y-yes Channie..." Felix meowed nervously, Chan petted his head as he opened the door to the restaurant for them to go in. Already seeing the place closed up and cleared out, some of the staff were in the back cleaning up.

And when they walked in Felix saw a blonde lady...that scent and hair he recognized...

Chan quietly followed as Felix went up to her, she had her back to the door writing on a clipboard.

"U-um excuse me...I-"

"Sorry! We're closed! Please come back tomorrow-" she turned around hearing a voice...

But it was so long she didn't recognize it at first, until she saw the face...the face of Felix. Her smile faded for a moment In shock to see the hybrid in front of her.

"Yubin...?" He meowed quietly inching closer, she was silent for a moment staring at him. Chan watched cautiously from behind seeing the interaction.

"Felix...? Felix...is that you...?" She barely said, Felix nodded with a smile.

"H-hi Yuyu..." he meowed her nickname for her, within seconds she broke down in tears running up to hug him.

"Oh my god...Fefe!!"


Chan smiled some watching her run to hug the boy, she was crying hard hugging Felix close and he gently hugged her back.

"Yuyu..." he purred twirling his tail, she hugged him a bit longer then leaned back cupping his cheeks.

"FeFe...y-you're ok and alive!! How each day I always thought about you and worried...I had always wanted you back with me...but my husband-"

"Your husband...?? Oh no...is he here?? I should go-"

"No! No...I left him after what he did to you...he was so mean and heartless...even if he did have money to support me...I couldn't stand him. So I left and went back home to live with my parents for some time, then I worked different places and now I opened this restaurant a year ago..." she smiled to the boy, Felix was happy he didn't need to worry about her husband hurting her.

"I-I'm happy you won't be hurt Yuyu...I'm happy you're ok...and I missed you too..." he giggled some.

"Oh Fefe I have missed your cute meows and pretty blue eye! Oh! Is that your friend? I noticed he has a pretty eye like yours! Hello sir!" She waved to Chan, the older inched closer smiling.

"Hi there, I'm Felix's-"

"You don't know how happy I am to see you my kitty Fefe! Have you been ok? You look so well!!" She petted his head.

"Yes Yuyu! I have-"

"I'm so glad and thankful you're alive Fefe...now we can be together again! You can come back to me!" She cheered kissing his nose, as soon as he heard that his smile faded...

As did Chan's...

The older felt uneasiness in his chest listening to her.

"Yuyu? What-"

"I have a lovely big loft above the restaurant now! With plenty of flowers and windows...I know you loved birds and flowers to smell! So now...I can finally give you a home and adopt you...I'll take care of you Fefe..." she teared up with happiness, Felix was quiet hearing her confession. He knew it was a nice gesture...but Yubin didn't now that Felix's life has changed from long ago...

Neko 6.0: Berrysweet BelovedsWhere stories live. Discover now