[Modern AU] Ashe X Reader- Paintball (Request)

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"Yes! One down!"

"(Y/N), quick, we have to hide elsewhere!"

(Y/N) was about to reply, but Ashe was quick to get her down the tower, and lead her to one of the secluded areas of the map, behind a wall. Luckily, no member of the opposite team was there.

Well, except Bernadetta that is.

The poor girl was bundled up in a little ball in a corner, holding her gun tight against her chest.

As soon as she noticed not one, but two members of the opposite team surrounding her, Bernadetta was no less than terrified, holding onto her sweet, dear life.

Her face went pale, a high pitch shriek coming out of her, a signature move coming from the timid girl.

"Aaah! P-Please spare m-me! I-I didn't do anything wrong! Please don't kill meeee!" She cried out, shaking on the spot, putting her head between her hands.

"Sssh! Keep quiet or else someone will hear you!" (Y/N) warned, patting Bernadetta's forearm amicably, "Don't worry. We won't shoot you."

"Yeah. No worries. You're safe with us," Ashe reassured.

Bernadetta was still in a sink air state of mind, although she did seem to be a bit calmer now, as she let out a few long sighs of pure relief.

"O-Okay. Thank you..."

"So? What now, Ashe?" (Y/N) turned to Ashe, who was much more experienced when it came to paintball.

But his answer was anything but experienced.

"We... I-I'm not sure- Maybe we should try and find another member of our party- See what they're doing," he tried, taking (Y/N)'s hand in his, as he peaked from behind the wall, glancing sideways to see if there were any opposite team members in sight.

"Hum... Okay, then."

"Quick. Let's run to the other side."

After that, Ashe and (Y/N) were able to eliminate quite a few of the other players, of course, with the help of the rest of the Blue Lions.

Of course, the Blue Lions had also suffered a whole lot of losses. The only remnants on their team were Ashe and (Y/N), oddly enough.

By the near end of the game, it seemed like the only remnant of the opposite team was Hubert, who was, oddly enough, the best player in the whole game- Who would've thought? He seemed uninterested in such frivolities, and yet, when he had no choice but to participate, he had what it took to be the best at paintball. He was discreet, had incredible aim and knew how to use the map to his advantage.

Well, there was also Bernadetta, but no one had the courage to shoot her.

"Goddess, where is he..." (Y/N) muttered under her breath, as she suspiciously looked around.

"Knowing him, he's surely watching us, hiding somewhere around, following us around..."

The girl looked back at him and chuckled, "Yeah, kind of like a ghost- Ashe, behind you! Watch out!"


As soon as Ashe turned around, he was hit in the chest with a paintball by none other than Hubert.


In the end, the Black Eagles won, with Bernadetta and Hubert being the only remnants of the winning team.

In a matter of seconds, Hubert had shot both Ashe and (Y/N), although Ashe, would had barely worn a layer of clothing, was surely going to get a bruise right on his chest, while (Y/N) who had worn a thick vest, barely got hurt at all. This was Mercedes' say in the matter, when the Blue Lions headed back to Dimitri's place.

Dimitri had let Ashe lay on his bed, and stay there as long as he needed, while (Y/N) was seated by his side, holding Ashe's hand tightly into hers.

"Damn Hubert and his discretion!" (Y/N) cursed under her breath, "I swear, I'll murder him next time we-"

"(Y/N), he only followed the rules- To hit someone with a paintball. It's just... He just happened to strike me right between my ribs..." (Hamilton reference y'all)

Literal tears began to form in the corner of the girl's eyes, when she saw Ashe trying with difficulty to hold in the pain.

"Oh, Ashe..."

(Y/N) jumped to his neck to hold him a tight embrace, which almost crushed Ashe's ribs.

"... Don't die on me!" She cried out.

"I-I'm not going to die on you, (Y/N)... It's just a bruise. But... Hum... Y-You're holding me a bit tight there..."

She immediately backed away and apologized profusely.

"Oh, sorry! I hope I didn't hurt you any further..."

Ashe's lips crisped into a thin line, because of the slight pain, "No, it's alright- I'm fine."

But his reassurance didn't seem to change the seemingly saddened expression (Y/N) bore on her face. She was saddened by the fact that Ashe got hurt so badly.

"(Y/N)... You don't have to be sad," he started softly, "Think about it this way. Besides the last... two minutes, paintball was fun, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"It was fun. And you didn't get as hurt. To me, that's all that matters."

The grey haired boy clutched onto his friend's hand tighter.

(Y/N) sighed, still quite unsure how to feel, "Well, if you say so... Does that mean you'd be apt to participate in another paint ball match, maybe?"

"Sure," he lightly chuckled, "Although, this time, I'll make sure to wear thicker clothing... You can laugh all you want about Edelgard, but she made the right choice, equipping herself with the extra protection..."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن