Chapter 144: Left Behind A Request by spidytomstories

Start from the beginning

Peter closed his eyes and when they fluttered open again, he noticed that he wasn't in class. Turning his head, he sees Wade sitting beside him lacing his fingers in his hand. "Wha- Wade where are we?" He asked, his friend looked up and held a worried expression.

"You've got a fever Pete, it's over 103° degrees, you were so out of it in class I literally had to carry you because you couldn't walk. Why didn't you tell your parents you didn't feel good?"

Peter began to open his mouth but paused, Wade would never understand, he was an only child who got the love and attention he so desperately craved for from his own parents. When Wade didn't get an answer he shook his head, typical Peter, always had something to say but was too afraid to actually speak his mind. They were like Yin and Yang, or Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan from Criminal Minds. (Yes I'm making a CM reference, leave me be. Lol)

Wade was always the outspoken outgoing type, while Peter was shy and closed off, Wade always tried to attempt to bring Peter out of his turtle shell, but was never shocked when Peter wouldn't budge. That was just what he always did, sometimes you can't change people, and although Peter was the kindest soul to ever walk the planet he was doormat to put it lightly.

"The nurse called your parents, they're going to be here soon. Do you want me to stay with you until they do?" Wade asked the younger boy.

Peter shook his head, even though he didn't want Wade's warmth to leave, he didn't want him to see his parents and their reaction to this whole mess. He'd be embarrassed if his parents showed up, only to shout at him for faking.

When it's obvious he wasn't, Wade nodded, saying his farewells and hoping Peter to get better. While Peter laid down doing his best not to move and throw up. Unfortunately, that didn't work out so well, as he then leaned over and threw up into the trash can next to his bed.

Soon he heard the familiar sound of his mother's high heels in the room, then his father's voice as he was talking to someone on the phone. He weakly turned his head, facing his parents, having barely any strength to get up and walk to the car. Then he saw Harley and Morgan standing right beside them, Peter knew he had to suck it up, to pretend and then break down when got home.

He was so used to that by now, Harley got the hint and helped his little brother get up and lean on him. Meanwhile Pepper and Tony could care less, once they got to the car Harley sat next to Peter tending to him, hating his parents for letting him even walk the school grounds when he was obviously very ill.

They got back to their home, and Peter went straight to his bed, taking off his clothes and putting his pjs from that morning back on. And while Tony and Pepper weren't doing anything Harley sighed, then he got their attention. "Aren't you guys going to check on Peter? He looks super sick, Mom." He said.

"He's probably faking, in an hour he'll be fine. Make some lunch or something, your father and I have work to do." Morgan looked towards her big brother and had no idea what was going on.

"Alright Morgan, I need your help."

Morgan grinned, she loved helping. "Are we gonna take care of Petey?" She asked.

"Yeah we are, think of it as a top secret spy mission alright?"

"Okay! Operation: Help Peter feel better is a go!" The little one exclaimed excitedly. Harley smiled, he and Morgan then began gathering everything to ensure that Peter would be okay and occasionally the latter would go check on the boy.

Two hours passed by, once they were done, Harley put a hot bowl of Peter's favorite soup, tea, and some toast on a breakfast tray while Morgan got him a cup of ice water and an ice pack. Harley also grabbed the thermometer and some medicine, then the two of them headed to Peter's room, where his curtains were closed and his galaxy night light shone.

Harley set the tray down and gently woke Peter up, "Hey bubba, me and Morgan made you some stuff. You gotta eat something, your stomach should have settled down by now." Peter obliged, not really in the mood to argue, he took his medication, ate a single bite of his toast and small sip of his lemon-ginger tea. "Thank you." He whispered out hoarsely.

"Do you feel better Pete?" Morgan asked.

Peter nodded his head, "A little bit, I wish mom and dad cared enough to do this," Peter let it slip, he didn't bother to correct himself, as he was too out of it.

"They do, they're just busy working, that's all." Harley tried to justify their parent's actions, but deep down, both he and Peter knew that was a lie. He was just too blind to admit it.

"No they don't, you said that I looked awful this morning and they didn't even bat an eye. What happened? Oh yeah, I was sick the entire time. Why do you think you and Morgan are taking care of me? And they haven't checked on me once?" Peter explained.

Harley felt terrible for his brother, he didn't realize his parents were neglecting him. Thinking back on it, their parents' entire lives revolved around themselves, him, and Morgan. Peter groaned in pain again, and started gagging, Morgan grabbed the trash can and Peter threw up. Harley got him to lay down and fall asleep, while stroking his hair, he could tell it soothed him.

Once Peter was fast asleep, he and Morgan left the room to let him rest. He told Morgan to play in her room, and thanked her for helping him with Peter. Doing his best to ease her worries, the little girl shouldn't be stressing out over her older brother's illness. Tony and Pepper came back to the kitchen, phones in front of their faces.

Tony looked up at his son, "What are you doing Harley?"

Harley rolled his eyes, "Taking care of my sick brother, what are YOU doing?" He retorted.

Pepper looked up, now he had their attention. "Excuse me?" She asked, in the most defensive tone Harley had ever heard, it made him scoff. How ridiculous do two adults have to be? It honestly blew his mind.

Harley had enough, he couldn't believe his parents were acting like this. Peter was right, they really didn't care, which only made him feel even worse. "You seem to forget the fact that me and Morgan just made him food for the past two hours, and have been checking on him."

"He literally just threw up the soup I made! He's not pretending, no one cares about your reputations, how about you take care of your son! Instead of making your other two children do your job!" He yelled.

"Stop neglecting your child! And start acting like parents, treat Peter with the same love and respect you treat me and Morgan with." And with that, Harley left his parents in utter disbelief, not wanting to listen to whatever sorry excuse they were going to say. He then went to his room and set an alarm to check on Peter in an hour, as the older sibling it was his job to make sure his brother and sister were safe. But unfortunately, his parents sucked at being parents. (Ending with the angst lol.)
The End of Chapter 144

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