65. 𝐾𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑒...𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑢𝑟

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He went back to reading the book and I glanced at the book to see what page he was on. He caught me trying to look and he sighed as he opened his arm for me.

I shook my head to decline and looked away from him. "No, I-"

"You can be mad at me later, just give in for a few minutes," he said seriously. I pondered his offer and hesitantly moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me to hold the book and I closed my eyes as he cleared his throat.

"You hurt me, Alexander-"

"Are you reading out loud?" I groaned as I relaxed into his hold and wrapped my arm and leg around him.

"Shhh," he said. " 'You hurt me, Alexander. No one else but you has the power to raise me to the edge of the Heavens and crush me into the depths of Hell within the same second,' I cried as I stared into his icy blue eyes. The same eyes that had struck my soul when we first met. The same eyes that had pierced through my boundaries and invited his evil into my heart.

'Eliza, this is who I am. I hurt you because I can—because I know no other way to show you how I feel about you,' he said. 'I made a mistake, you can't leave me." I shook my head as my heart ached with all the memories of us. Who would've known that the person you loved the most in the world could destroy you the most?

'Do you love her?' I asked him. He gave me a pained expression and shook his head. 'How could you think that?'... 'Because you won't let her go, Alexander!' His face became stoic at the tone of my voice and I turned my back to him. 'I can't be with you until you let her go. You can't have her and claim you love me.'

I walked towards the door to leave and paid no mind to the splintering in my chest. I should've known this would hurt. This is the punishment that came with loving Alexander D'aureville. I knew that when I met him, I knew it when I fell in love with him, and I knew it as I paid the consequences now.

'Je te tuerai avant de te laisser me quitter,' he spoke lowly. An eeriness floated throughout the room and I froze before I could open the door. 'What does that mean, Alexander?' I heard his slow footsteps come closer to me but he didn't answer. I turned in my spot and jumped as I saw his blue eyes staring down at me.

The moonlight cast a chilling tone of colors onto his beautiful skin that made him look terrifying. 'What did that mean?' I asked more sternly. 'I said, I'll kill you, before I let you leave me, Eliza.' I got a peek of his sharp extended fangs behind his full pink lips and my eyes watered.

This wasn't the first time I heard one of his threats. Due to that fact, it was hard to take him seriously. Even if his words were true, perhaps death was better than the pain he was putting me through. Without a second thought, I turned my back to him and laid my hand on the cool doorknob. 'So be it.'

I twisted the knob and he slammed the door shut as his fangs sunk into my neck. His teeth tore relentlessly into my skin and I cried as he kept his promise. It was no longer a secret why so many of his previous subs had disappeared as this was the curse of falling in love with him.

I didn't fight death as it clawed itself around my soul and pulled it out of my weakening body. How sick was it of me to be joyous that it was his love of me that was pushing me towards the heavens yet again. My eyes fluttered closed and my last breath escaped my lips as I heard the words I'd been waiting to hear all this time. 'I love you, Eliza,' " Syn read.

My body shook as tears flowed down my cheeks and Syn placed the book down. "Why are you crying? That was a horrible ending."

"It was beautiful," I cried softly.

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐧┃𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐓𝐰𝐨Where stories live. Discover now