12. 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛

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I watched as he opened the door to the house for her. She was different with him. Less guarded, happier. But how could she do this to me? I gave up my life for her, I changed for her. I was promised that she'd be with me after everything was over, but here she was.

Choosing him over me. Again.

I walked through the wooded area surrounding the house and watched them. Syn's house was mostly made of glass, making it possible for me to see everything. The night sky and shadowed woods made my figure almost invisible.

Their voices and laughs were near impossible for me to drown out and I watched them with a blank face. I wanted to go in and kill him all over again but Queen would kill me in an instant.

Why? What is it about him that makes her this way? I used to believe it was because she was forced to be with him, but as I observed and learned...it was more than that. They were in some sick and twisted relationship. One that she managed to be free from BECAUSE OF ME!

Fucking years I've spent watching her from a distance and giving her time to move on from this disgusting bastard. But for what?

For him to just come back and take her from me.


My jaw clenched as Syn laid her on the couch and removed her clothing. It was like they knew I was here and were just doing this to break me. How could Queen give herself to him when after all this time I've been a great boyfriend to her and she hardly kissed me.

My anger began bubbling and I shook the horrid thoughts from my mind. I was only going to get myself angrier and do something I'd regret. I looked back at them and the room was dimmed. Unfortunately, I could still make out the shape of their bodies doing immoral things.

Queen moaned as Syn was pounding into her from the back. Her face was probably as beautiful as it's ever been so exposed like this- but it wasn't for me. I watched as her breasts bounced with each of his thrusts and my heart sunk even lower.

Had she been thinking of him all these years?

I looked back up to Syn with disgust as he ran his tainted hands up her back and to her neck as he pushed her face into the cushion. He groaned and smiled down at her and my head began to throb. Queens muffled moans and screams did nothing to help my aching heart but yet...I stayed.

Why? I don't know.

"You're. So. Fucking. Beautiful," he told her between each thrust. I told her that too, why didn't I get the same reaction? Every single fucking day I would tell her, hell I told the world. Nobody had to do much research to find out how I felt about her. Almost every tabloid in the underworld and Juva had quoted me on it. If the world knew, why didn't she?

"Syn," she moaned again. Her words seemed to affect him because he gripped her hips and no longer help back as he began fucking her relentlessly. I covered my ears to stop the sounds but it was too much. With each moan, groan, pound, slap, and scream, my fury increased.

How the fuck could she do this?! The man didn't even remember her and she was here whoring herself out for him. I instantly recognized him at the diner but he was different somehow. My gut told me something was wrong so I spoke to a few guards and found out he didn't remember Queen.

I had more faith in her, I always did. I was fucking perfect for her yet she chose to be with this beast over me. AGAIN.

The answer as to why would remain a never-ending and burning one running in my mind. I was good to her, I'm still good to her. So why? So many questions yet not a single damn answer.

I shook my head and stealthily walked through the woods and back to my car in pain. I had a feeling I shouldn't have come. Seeing them fucking in his car should've been enough to tell me that it wasn't over.

But it never really is over between them, is it?

I got into my car and slammed the steering wheel. "Fuck!" I screamed. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" My hand gripped my hand and I hit the side of my head for any sort of solution to this, but I couldn't find one.

Why can't it ever be me that she chooses? I suffered for her, died for her, gave up my entire life for her...She no longer loved me so I became a person that she WOULD love. But she didn't. She would've though, she would have fallen in love if Syn didn't come back.

It was all thanks to him. All my anger was now directed to him. There wasn't much else to do besides get rid of him. Once he was gone, Queen would come back to me. I'd make sure he wouldn't come back this time. Even if I have to make a deal with God himself.

I picked up the phone and dialed the one person who I knew would help me. The one person who had more evil in their heart for Queen and Syn than I did. They picked up on the first couple rings and I let out a breath. "Lilith."

"Sebastian?" She asked in confusion.

"Call me Dimitri now, I'm ready to take you up on your offer."


Author's Note


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Chileeeee....we're getting back into this mess and this second book is gonna be so crazier and spicier 😏. Did y'all see that coming?

No wonder we found Dimitri so sexy, he's our daddy Sebastian 😌. I wonder how that happened though, I mean...Sebastian did in fact disappear. 🤫

Why did he say kill Syn all over again? Why did he pretend he didn't know Syn? Why is he stalking Queen? WHY DID HE CALL LILITH?!
So many questions😩...all of which we'll find out very soon.
Lmk your thoughts

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