Part 9

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"I'll be leaving soon." Y/N said, he didn't expect Adrian to understand, but he did.

Nodding to his firm statement, the old smithy muttered. "It's only right... And you want a resupply?"

"Right, I'll pay as well."

Adrian hummed; he didn't seem affected by Y/N's words showing that he ignored them.

"That reminds me." He snapped his fingers, lumbered away to the back, and came back with a large box, the same from before. "I made yee something."

The heavy box made a harsh thud on his countertop. Popping its wooden hatch, he nodded in approval before sliding it around to Y/N.

"The black tips-" Adrian pointed to a row of black-tipped ammunition. "-are holding a small explosive yield, not enough to hurt, but just enough to cause some serious damage."

Y/N plucked one of the bullets out; he noticed it was near twice the weight of the others.

"I like to think they're my little... problem-solvers for specific troublemakers."

Changed from the previous bullets form, this one had a crown shape molded out of its metal. Its added weight was because of its much denser element. Y/N was right to assume it wasn't marked black, but rather the metal itself was.

"If these were to say... make impact with a blade, the charge would detonate, and they would get a face full of metal." The old faunus chuckled to himself, obviously proud of his work.

"Or maybe a pesky Grimm is bein' stubborn, just hit em' in the right spot, and it'll make soup out of their insides."

Looking to Adrian, Y/N spoke. "Thank you." He began to slot in the speed loaders on his bandolier, and to the side, he kept the troublemaker ammunition.

"...What are you looking for?"

Freezing up, Y/N listened while Adrian whispered. "Now it's not really any of my business, but I can't help but notice one such as yee, coming to a place like this. You aren't exactly here for vacation."

Y/N's eyes hardened, but they still wandered. "Do you really want to know...?" He asked, just above a whisper.

Seeing the weight on his shoulders, Adrian nodded.

"I'm--looking for something to do with my life... I always wanted to settle down, start a family, but..."

Y/N took a sudden interest in the floor, he sighed. "I found love once; I really thought it was going to happen... she was amazing, everything about her just clicked... the way she just--talked, it made me forget. Eventually, we found a solid start, good jobs to provide for a baby and us. And it--finally happened, I was so happy... she was due in just a few months, a-and one day it was just--gone."

Any approaching customer was fixed with a serious glare from Adrian; he wouldn't allow them to disturb Y/N.

"The doctor said it was completely natural, and that we could recover from it all. That's just when things got worse..."

Shaking his head in thought, Y/N continued. "I've been told I was special, meant for greater things. Apparently, that means something greater than family... so I'm going to do it; I'll chase this 'destiny' down if it's the last thing I do... it's the only thing I have left to do."

After a moment, Y/N reached into his suit and pulled out his wallet.

"Ah, son-"

"Don't." Y/N interrupted the smithy; he continued and left a generous sum of lien on the counter. "I don't want your pity. Take it."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang