Part 183

328 37 1

Rage. Rage. Rage.

It consumed everything, turning it black with the hidden influence of a Great One.

Nothing could reason with Y/N at the moment, he saw nothing but red with deaf ears.

He had finally found the Branwen Tribe, a fortunate decision when he made the choice between two paths and two groups.

In the aftermath of his hunt, he scoured the ashen remains of the camp, searching for the tiniest whimper of fear.

And like a moth to a flame, he found it, a young man, barely old enough to forge his own path in life.

He lied on the ground outside the camp, covered in a thin blanket of ash while his blood from a severed hand dried in the dark soil below.

He had managed to rip his shirt and make a tourniquet, wrapping it tightly around his forearm to stop the fatal bleed.

Whoever this young man was, whether he could have escaped or not, it was too late now.

Y/N stalked over to the bandit and brought Sovereign high, there, he gripped it firmly and with lethal intent.

Fear consumed the bandit, it was written all over his face and drowned everything out in his eyes. He had no words he could choke out, only a mere scream before Y/N brought the half-sword down.

The air was pushed straight out of the young man's lungs, and in a near instant, when Y/N grabbed ahold of the curved guard with one hand, he ended his life.

Grunting, Death plunged the blade deeper into his chest before forcing his sword up and clean through the bandit's head with a monstrous roar.

Boss woke his master from his nightmare with a few warm, but forceful head butts to his arm.

Y/N's (Eye Color) eyes cracked open with a few heavy breaths, revealing the fear pooling in his eyes.

When he gained his breath and he realized it was just a dream, he wiped his cheek of Boss's spit. It only meant he was trying to wake him for some time now.

"Hey." Y/N whispered, greeting him and smoothing his palm from Boss's nose to the back of his head. "Thanks..."

Just like his first week in Harriet's apartment, Boss showed very subtle emotions. Now, it was a wag of his tail, saying he adored the attention.

His furry companion flared his aura, not only warming Y/N's extended hand, but making his emotions very clear.

If Boss were able to speak, he would be telling Y/N to calm down, reminding him this was reality, the present. Reassuring him with his solid presence and protecting him throughout the night.

Giving his friend a few more grateful scratches, Y/N rolled over to embrace a sleeping Harriet, knowing Boss would curl back up at the foot of the bed, on guard and ever surveillant.


Y/N's footsteps broke the ambience of the central levels, gaining Jennifer's attention as she was busy rinsing and drying a couple coffee pots.

"I didn't think you were going to show up." The veteran sighed after setting aside a dried pot.

"Yeah... I was trying something new today."

"And what's that?" She asked, drying her hands on her shirt.

"Ahhh," Y/N waved his arm, refusing to make a big deal of it. "There's this—girl."

"A girl." Jennifer nodded.

"Not that kinda girl." Y/N frowned with a shake of his head. "She's just a kid, sixteen or seventeen. I saw her a while back."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now