Part 189

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Y/N walked a long hall of white and metal. His armor clicked and growled with each step while the sword on his back displayed a strange language that had yet to be extinguished with its (Aura Color) light.

He could see the emerald gem's light in the corner of his eyes, hanging over his shoulder like a constant reminder.

He approached a door, his brows furrowed, focused. And then, it opened with an airtight hiss.

A woman in a lab coat came out, too focused on her scroll to notice him until he brushed past, startling her and earning a scared yelp.

Her short scream gained the attention of a few dozen scientists, including Pietro, who sat on the far side of the lab.

Once they caught a glimpse of his face, they relaxed. It was a strange predicament they found themselves in, unknowing if they should feel safe, or petrified.

The doctor was just as surprised as everyone else from his presence. But as he caught sight of the determination in his eyes, he couldn't greet him the same way he always did.

Standing before Pietro, Y/N spoke in a murmur. "I need your help. It won't take any more than the day."

"O-of course." The doctor said with a curt nod. "What do you need."

"Not here." Y/N whispered.

"Right." Pietro cleared his throat and lead him to the back where the hall lead to his upstairs office.

Standing in his spacious second home, Y/N pulled a few pages of paper from his pocket.

"I need this done as soon as possible." He handed him the papers. "And as close to the measurements as you can."

Taking the papers and adjusting his glasses, Pietro immediately frowned with a stammer.

"A b-bell??" He nearly choked. "What are you planning to do with this??"

What did he have planned? It was a question the doctor was sure Y/N had all figured out. And as he spoke, he was right.

"I plan on evening the odds a little..."


There was no fear, no anger, no resentment. Not a speck of negativity lingered within Y/N's heart, only pure conviction.

When he stood in the very center of the vacant training arena, he remained ready, armed to the teeth with Parabellum at his six and Lex Talionis with Memento Mori to back it.

He hadn't told anyone else what he was about to do, not out of some need to have them not worried, nor out of a need for secrets. He just didn't see a reason to tell them when he would be gone for a few hours at most.

In his hand, he held a small resonant bell, made with precise measurements thanks to his semblance and some aid from Ludwig.

Y/N didn't know if it had to do with design or some sort of enchanted metal, but that's why he was here, to test it.

Holding the bell by a curled, misshapen handle, he brought it high, just above his head and at arms length.

Shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath, he began to dig deep within, to feel the insight that allowed him to peer into the abyss itself.

There was no limit to the Hunter's dream, as was there no limit to worlds. It's what allowed him to communicate with someone deep in the darkness of space and create a link.

Flicking his wrist, he rung the bell to immediately feel a connection and a sense of falling.


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