Part 182

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"People are buzzing... gossiping."

Sitting at Y/N's side, enjoying a plate of lunch while his was empty, Winter gave him a questioning look.

"Why in the world is a Schnee here?" He asked with a genuinely curious glance. "You could have anything in the world, and you're here. Why?"

"Should I not be here?" The cadet asked with a sudden frown.

Y/N chuckled. "I didn't say that. What I said was a question."

Winter was angry, unnaturally so for someone her age. But it wasn't a teenage phase or something of the like, it was something else.

"I hate my father." She told him bluntly. "He wouldn't give me anything in the world, not even the time of day."

She could see him in the corner of her eyes, listening with all the attention in the world as she poked and pushed around her food.

"I came here because I didn't want to see his face ever again."

Winter fixed him with a frustrated glare, and still, he wouldn't chastise her about her behavior or punish her for going out of line against a superior.

He braced both hand on the sides of his legs and spoke, all the while, his eyes roamed the empty arena stands before them.

"I don't blame you. I'd do the same."

He pulled the Kukri from his shoulder and pointed it forward, it was then he reiterated with a flourish of his blade.

"I did... actually. I was sixteen when I went out on my own, and it was a whole twenty years until I saw him again."

He held the blade out with an open palm a foot behind it, displaying the first form of combat he learnt and mastered.

"You want my advice?" He sheathed the Kukri with a 'klak'. "Endure... take what the world's got for you and hit back twice as hard. And then, and only then, you'll learn that you never needed him in the first place."

Winter had taught herself how to use a saber as an act of defiance against Jacques. But more importantly, to attain a skill that was un-heiress like.

She put her foot in the door, and with what Y/N said, she could do so much more than that.

"Be your own person." He murmured with a side gaze. "Endure, struggle, fight. When you finally get to the end of it, you'll be someone you want to be, not something someone forces you to be as."

Y/N had wandered the Vacuoan desert for nearly two years. Struggling, fighting, enduring. And by the time he came out the other end, he wasn't a Ranger, but a boy striving to be a Huntsman.

Jumping up, he reached over his shoulder to bear Sovereign, a sword Winter had only heard legends of.

"Let's go." He ordered sternly. "Show me everything I showed you."

With a bit of hesitance, Winter took one half of Lex Talionis and set the other by her unfinished meal.

Holding the armament firm, she did a very subtle movement with her free hand before bursting forward.

With her target standing still, she was sure to at least hit air or graze him, but unknown to her was the inhuman reaction speed Y/N possessed.

To an observer's point of view, they could see the white streak propelled across the ring at a speed fueled by one's aura and bright glyph, while on the other end was a different story entirely.

He watched her approach with a stone-like expression. As she closed the distance, inch by inch, he held Sovereign low before bringing it up in an enormous burst of speed.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now