Part 110

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Four days went by in a flash, it began to feel that way when there was nothing else to do.

It became a routine, like waking up and taking a shower, or shaving then brushing your teeth.

Be that as it may, he spent those mundane minutes with Glynda, the love of his life. She made everything better when she refused to leave his side.

Love of my life...?

He couldn't think that way anymore, at least not yet. He wasn't going to play favorites, even with her.

"You have my number, so don't forget to call." She told him sternly and with care.

"I know." He nodded for possibly the tenth time.

"And if anything happens-"

"Glyn." He caught her attention with a chuckle. "I'll be fine, I know what to do."

She was reluctant to leave, and Y/N had half a mind to convince her to stay, yet both parties refrained from doing so.

Glynda sighed, obviously worried. The reason being many. Will his cuts be cleaned properly? Will he be left alone? Will those assassins return?

The many questions that plagued her mind were sure to make the week go by horrendously slow. But the silver lining was she will return.

"It's one week." He said, the presented time bugging him as well. "You have nothing to worry about."

Releasing a heavy exhale, she clutched to his hand with the strength and handling required to cradle an egg.

Gazing into those (Eye Color) eyes, she heard his beloved voice meet her ears.

"It's only a week, so try not to take it out on other people, alright?"

She knew what his lighthearted jab meant. She has little to no patience with others, and she had a short temper, but that was all due to his disappearance.

His absence induced stress, restlessness. His presence and words washed it all away, but only when he was there.

She sighed with no reply, clearly ashamed of what she had become, which was essentially her before she met him.

There was a shuffle of movement from him, it was slow as he released her hand and pushed himself into a straighter posture.

She flinched forward, afraid of his movement. "Y/N-"

"I got this." He interrupted with a strained grunt and heavy sigh when he dropped.

Taking a couple deep breaths, he settled in with a satisfied and breathless laugh. Which was the complete opposite to her wide-eyed and worried expression.

"I'll be here when you get back." He said to her soothingly.

Biting the inside of her lip, she whispered a humorous yet solemn reply. "I'd hope so."

Using his better arm, he lifted his hand until it was set on her cheek, there he made soft circles with his thumb as she laid her hand over his own.

"I love you." He murmured with a smile.

Glynda swallowed a lump in her throat as she nuzzled into his caressing hand.

Her reply was faint yet emotional. "Love you too."

A bend of a knee and the back placed her before him, where she went in for a long kiss with a lingering touch of their foreheads.

Neither person thought the inside of a medical tent - drenched with cleaning chemicals and soap - was going to be the closest thing to paradise, and yet here they were.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now