Part 17

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The flight to Patch was nearing it's end. Just on the edge of the blue sea Y/N could spot a small dot, it housed old friends from Beacon - and if what they say is true - it's a great spot to settle down.

Y/N had never been there before, so with his calls to Taiyang going straight to voicemail, he would have to rely on his talkative backpack partner.

"As a kid other kids used to say that when Grimm caught you they would turn you into other Grimm..."

Y/N frowned in confusion once he saw Saphron staring at him in question.

"You're serious." Y/N stated, he never really connected with one on the civilian road of life, so when Saphron nodded intently he let out a small chuckle.

"No. Well..." Y/N averted his eyes to feign thought.

"What??" Saphron was quite literally at the edge of her seat, waiting.

"New species are still being discovered to this day... I wouldn't be surprised if they replenish off of us."

Saphron gasped with widened eyes. "No..."

Y/N smiled. "I'm joking." The woman audibly exhaled in relief. "It's nothing but folktales made by parents trying to scare their kids."

"How do you know?? Were you a Ranger? People said you were but then you didn't look the part so they assumed you were a Huntsman." She began to ramble, she was just a genuinely curious person overall.

"No." Y/N said evenly, he then crossed one leg over the other and leaned back into his seat. "I learned alongside Monroe-" Saphron showed surprise, knowing the name and their accolades. "-when I was young. He made it abundantly clear that we weren't friends, it felt more like going to work to see an acquaintance then a teacher. That's mainly the reason I left."

"Wha-?" Saphron shifted in her seat to face the man, her brows furrowed in confusion. "W-why?? That's one of the best things anyone could hope for!"

"I beg to differ." Y/N said under his breath and shook his head. "Have you seen a Ranger before?"

"Yeah, a few times." She muttered.

"Let me tell you something." Y/N's voice softened. "The world isn't as great as you think. Because on day one of their training - it could be any day - they tell you, over and over again, that you will kill someone. You're here because no one else will have you, we're your family now, and that's all you will ever need. Only half of that ever became true for me... I executed a man in front of the whole town when I was ten. And what Monroe said to me just--stuck. That if I keep killing, it'll be as easy as breathing... That's not a life I wanted to live, so I told him, I'm leaving, he fixed me with the most unnerving stare and said 'Be seein' you'."

Y/N scoffed as he stared out the window before him. Saphron listened intently, the new knowledge unveiled to her didn't seem to effect him, the emotions were long since buried.

"I thought, to hell with him, I took my chances out there alone, thinking it would be better to just starve than actually live like some machine made for war..."

His stare had gone blank for a moment, Saphron remained silent until he continued.

See where that got me...

"I was seventeen when I joined Beacon academy. The only good thing that came from that place was my wife and friends... The only difference between the two is you're trained to kill monsters, save the day and be a hero... While the Rangers show you how to be a monster and bring the fight to them. There's a reason there's such a big controversy surrounding them - often compared to Atlas' military tactics - Rangers will take your dignity and what ever humanity you have left... I suspect it rooted from the Great War, when they drove away Solitas and Anima, they solidified who they were in the world as heartless guardians. It explains why their numbers are dwindling. On one hand Vacuo relies on their efforts, and on the other... you have to sacrifice so much to do what's right. People may see them as heroes, but I can guarantee you they don't feel that way, because I don't..."

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