Part 15

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A gust of freezing winds pushed against Y/N. The steam from his mouth was the only indication of his presence while he blended in with the dark wilderness.

His eyes were narrowed while he scanned the terrain below the mountain. He watched for the slightest amount of movement from a selection of paths and roads.

This was something he had done time and time again in Yharnam. Thanks to his hidden aura he was able to scale the buildings and travel through the rooftops.

Now, he stood near the summit of Shady Springs' mountain, searching for his possible tails.

He searched the way he would conduct a hunt. Lagging behind with a positive scent on the trail, or keeping a safe distance while tracking.

And soon enough, with the shattered moon high in the sky, his wait paid off.

Y/N observed a faint light in the distance traveling along the road. It was far too late for most travelers to make a journey and too unpredictable for any competent Hunter.

This group traveled without an escort or in an organized fashion. They moved with a purpose at a restrained speed.

The final nail in the coffin was the fact they followed the exact road Y/N took. Enough of a reason for a confrontation.

At the edge of a cliff, Y/N took a step forward and disappeared into the pitch black shadows of a canyon.

A group of four aspiring bounty hunters traveled along the road, one in the front of the group and one in the back held bright dust lanterns, while in the center were two armed individuals.

They were completely oblivious to a man blocking the road. He stood in the shadows of an overhanging boulder, waiting.

Once the light of his lantern uncovered a shoe that lead to an entire man, the leading bounty hunter shouted in panic.

"MOTHER FU-" He dropped the lantern and drew a thick curved blade. One glance at it's design and materials told Y/N that they were from Anima, possibly Mistral.

The two in the center instantly aimed a rifle and pike, not in a defensive manner Y/N noted. The one in back was frozen stiff, he had a pair of ram horns that almost blended in with his dark hair.

Y/N fixed the group with a deep glare, intimidating them enough to second guess their own decisions.

He then spoke in a low voice. "Why are you following me?"

"Hey, pal." A woman snarled, aiming her shotgun for a center mass shot. "In case you're daft, you're kinda blockin' the road!"

"Yeah, asshole." A man beside her tightened his grip on his pole based weapon.

The faunus man in the back looked Y/N directly in the eye and with the slightest movement of his free hand, he tapped his thigh where Y/N's own gun is and his eyes darted back and forth to the woman then him.

It was obvious the ram faunus wasn't with them. They would of had him scouting ahead, using his night vision to their advantage.

By the looks of him, Y/N knew the faunus man had no experience in combat whatsoever.

Likely a local. They needed a guide for the lands.

"What are you?! Slow?!" The curved sword was lifted up in an intimidating manner. "Get a move on!"

"It's too late to be traveling in these parts." Y/N said. "Why are you really here?"

"Ever hear of minding your own damn business!" The woman shouted, she dug her left boot into the dirt and shifted all of her weight into her left leg.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα