Part 134

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The air was caught in Y/N's throat as he hesitated. His shoulder throbbed from an earlier exercise, yet he couldn't quite get used to this pain.

Why does this hurt so much?

He clenched his teeth and took a few quick breaths, trying to clear his mind as Sienna held his arm.

"Gimme a sec." He told her breathlessly, his eyes shut and his hand wavering.

Over the week, his right arm had become fully functional, the only remnants of pain was the tenderness around the scar on his forearm.

His thigh had come along great as well, healing over with an itchy patch of skin Sienna often scolded him for picking.

As for his other scars, his stomach and back still burned when he moved, but not quite as much as when he first started.

His left shoulder - now in the hands of Sienna - was the most problematic.

The pinched nerve quite honestly pissed him off. It just wouldn't budge no matter how hard he worked. He was at least thankful the burned hole in his shoulder had sealed over with a large scar.

After another moment of deep breaths, Y/N began to relax and nod with a clear mind.

As cheesy at it might have sounded, Sienna was always hurt more than Y/N in these moments. She caused this immense pain and she had been helpless to fix it.

That is until now. What they were about to do was condemned by Maya, that's why they were sure she was gone before attempting this.

"Okay." Y/N said, his voice even. "Do it..."

He had instructed her what to do. First, she had his arm tucked in her arm pit, while her's was in a solid pulling position.

With her dominant arm, she placed her hand just under his arm pit, creating a pulling and pushing force.

Usually, the arm would reset with exercise and stretches, but Y/N obviously had enough of waiting in silent agony.

Now, with his approval, Sienna began pulling while she pushed from underneath.

Her brows furrowed, cringing when he squeezed his eyes shut with a pained growl.

It was quick when it happened, like a sudden jolt and pop and she managed to pull his shoulder bone free.

Sienna fully expected a swear, maybe even a shout, what she didn't expect was a deep breath of air and Y/N to raise his arm high.

"Finally..." He said with a small chuckle, obviously cherishing how loose his shoulder felt as he rolled it.

It was a hard gamble, either his shoulder was set, or it would dislocate again. It was baffling how stubborn someone could be to risk the latter.

"See? It worked just fine."

Y/N acknowledged Ludwig with a quick glance and nod.

It did, thanks.

Y/N was skeptical at first, unwilling to risk the permanent damage his arm could have attained. But alas, Ludwig was the expert on their biology, his experience told Y/N it wasn't the old Hunter's first time setting a bad shoulder.

"You okay?"

Y/N looked to his side to Sienna's worried gaze, not realizing until now how he just stared at an empty chair.

"Yeah," He nodded, holding his shoulder and rolling it again with a satisfied groan. "Just fine. Thank you."

Sienna huffed, showing displeasure. "What were you going to do if something went wrong?"

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن