Part 44

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The first thing Y/N noticed as he took a deep breath was the absence of Sangria's scent. That earthy tang mixed with a smoky sweet bitterness was gone, replacing it was a green sourness, like freshly cut grass.

It was wrong, very wrong. Especially when the sound of a crackling and popping fire woke him in the first place.

"It's time to get up, my love."

Y/N's eyes cracked open with a few blinks of confusion, he immediately sat up with a dry cough.

"I'm sorry." He heard a small giggle. "Did I frighten you?"

"W-wha-?" Y/N whipped his head back and forth, rapidly scanning his surroundings only to settle on a woman standing by his side.

There, was a long head of brown hair looking down on him, it was framed on pale skin with equally brown eyes.

The woman wore a type of robe belonging to a farm hand or just a hard working woman from another time and place.

"Another nightmare?" She asked, leaning down to caress his face with delicate fingers. "It's alright."

Y/N immediately recoiled in shock to see the woman adopt an expression of worry.

"Ludwig?!" She exclaimed. "What's wrong??"

"L-Ludwig...?" Y/N whispered, confused.

Baffled and growing anxious, Y/N shot up from bed to see stone walls all around with dark wood floors.

The hard walls had an orange hue to their cold surface as a flame was lit in a fireplace.

"What's going on??" The Hunter muttered to himself, his brows furrowed as he furiously wiped his eyes.

From behind the stone walls he heard a voice, muffled yet shouted with urgency.


"What's happening?!" The woman asked with growing panic as she whipped her gaze to outside a window. "Ludwig?!"

A heavy wooden door slammed open, and in came a man clothed in white robes. The robes of a Healing Church Hunter.

"CAPTAIN!" he took a moment to catch his breath and push clinging hair from his face. "T-the beasts! They're here!"

"Beasts?!" The unknown woman shouted. "But how?! The walls were-!"

"They're gone." The garbed Hunter replied. "T-they turned on each other! No one knows what happened b-but they got through the gates!"

A sharp and sudden inhale from Y/N caused him to choke on his own spit. He coughed with small wheezes of air as he held his throat.

"You alright?"

Y/N cleared his throat with a few more coughs, by his side was a light peeking through the window, shining upon Sangria with disheveled hair.

Y/N took a deep breath as he directed his gaze to the blanket over his legs. He mentally counted while his breathing slowly calmed and steadied.

What the hell was that...?

"Bad dream?" Sangria asked through her drowsiness.

"N-no..." Y/N frowned as he laid a hand on his cheek, he felt the bits of hair on his fingertips, the same gentle tingle he experienced moments ago.

Suddenly clenching his fist, Y/N immediately came to a conclusion when he felt his aura. It was moderate at a best guess and low at worst.

My semblance? But... why Ludwig?

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now