Part 39

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Through one of the most treacherous paths in the Forbidden Woods, was the college of Byrgenwerth. A renowned place of learning that attracted all from across the world, hoping to enlighten themselves with what the best minds had to offer.

However, once a place of words and mathematics, was now a source to everything Yharnam had endured.

The head scholars there unearthed something terrible, a labyrinth of tunnels, tombs and dungeons, all located beneath the city of Yharnam.

Monstrous beings far beyond anyone's comprehension had awoken from their slumber, their blood was the nexus of madness.

Y/N himself believed that what was found should have remained untouched

Instead, against their better judgement and common sense, the scholars studied these otherworldly beings to the point of a sickening obsession.

They wanted to learn, become as great as them and transcend humanity with evolution.

A disgusting lust for power is what killed thousands of innocent people, good souls who never deserved death and tainted souls who worsened it all.

Now standing before the grand building, Y/N kept a strong focused glare on it's elegant architecture.

Whatever was inside was the reason to his grief and anger, people or things responsible for his friends and loved ones deaths.

Finding the reason to it all was never expected by Y/N, but once it was revealed, he had a drive like none other.

He was a man without anything to lose. Pure vengeance drove him through the woods to Byrgenwerth, in search of his reason to being so lost.

A person that found reason to their tragedy was often the most dangerous, especially when said tragedy had been left to simmer for years on end.

"Whatever we find inside..."

Y/N turned to his trusted friend and companion, Valtr, with the same furious growl and glare he held for sometime now.

"We destroy it all." Y/N said. "This can never be allowed to be seen by anyone ever again. Do you understand?"

Valtr, an understanding individual, merely gave a curt nod in return. But he kept worry hidden from his friend.

Y/N thought he was doing the world a favor. Valtr thought it was for the better good. They were the same opinions yet with different motivations.

Y/N's motivation was justified yet heartless, Valtr's, thoughtful and pure. The former Black Church Hunter had seen first hand what Byrgenwerth had caused, what they were capable of. The League Confederate lost his life because of the nightmare, he didn't want anyone else to suffer such a fate.

"Y/N." Valtr finally said. "Listen to me, vengeance isn't the way to go.-"

Y/N averted his gaze with a scoff.

"-We destroy what's inside, but what you're saying isn't right. Your anger will only lead to suffering, and from there, frenzy..."

Valtr heard him give a heavy sigh before speaking near a whisper with overflowing grief. "They--experimented on Iosefka, turned her into another one of those things."

Valtr's eyes could be seen widening underneath his helmet.

"For what? So they can mingle with gods? She was my friend!" He hissed. "I will not stop until I find those responsible... I'll kill them, I'll slaughter every, last, one."

Valtr was helpless in watching his friend leave, there was no convincing him to finding a different path, not when he was so fearless of frenzy.

He watched and listened, catching the occasional gunfire and screams that came from within, he ran, still being the concerned person he was.

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