Part 108

642 43 14

"And... that's the gist of it."

Maya took a deep breath as her ears drooped. She then tapped her wrist before quickly leaving, supposedly running late.

"That's some story you have." Sienna stated, unfazed by the doctor's sudden departure. "One for another time, I hope."

"I think I told enough stories for now, but sure." Y/N replied, gaining a smile in return.

"How're feeling?" She asked, holding the sides of his bed. "The couple times I was able to catch you, you were out."

"Painfully thankful." He said with a stifled groan.

"I can only imagine." Sienna murmured.

There was a brief, unnoticeable moment where she took in his image. His face in particular didn't have that young and burning ferocity, he now looked an age that matched his overwhelming prowess she only caught a glimpse of.

His hair over his scalp and face now had a sprinkle of white added in the mix, giving him that wise and weathered look he voiced but visually lacked before.

But what captivated the tigress the most was his eyes. Those gold, piercing irises were no more, in its place was a warm and kind (Eye Color) that reminded Sienna of the patter of rain on a window, or a hot drink on a chilly, blue morning.

She found herself staring for a couple more seconds than she liked, which in turn reminded her of his wife, seated beside him. She was going to put a hold on her questions for now.

Letting out a sigh, she turned her attention to Glynda. "I didn't think there was someone capable of keeping him in check."

"I heard, he's definitely a handful." Glynda empathized her playful words with a mild tightening around his hand.

"Don't make me laugh." Y/N added dryly.

"But in all seriousness," Her shoulders dropped just a pinch as her muscles relaxed, and those bright amber eyes had softened along with her voice. "It's good to see that you're okay... What you did was-I can't even begin to tell you how grateful we are."

Y/N wasn't sure how to respond, he was sure that he couldn't. What was he going to say? Your welcome? Don't mention it?

No, he wasn't. Not when they lost over half their numbers, not when over three-thousand people are dead.

Before he could even ponder the honest and heartfelt response, he got one in turn.

The furious leader's ears drooped, revealing just a smidge of the false eyes behind them. "Without you I wouldn't know where we would be... So, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Anything. It was a powerful word in this context, Y/N had no doubt she could fulfill it without trouble when the entire island backed her.

Naturally, nothing came to mind. No wicked demands, no pocketed favors, nothing. He was here on his own free will and was going to leave just the same.

But he couldn't speak for Glynda.

"My stay isn't for long," She said with a mild reluctance. "As much as I'd like to see his recovery through, I can't. Would it be any trouble for someone to watch over him while I'm absent?"

Right... I forgot.

A flicker of sadness occurred within Y/N's chest, but it was quickly staved and turned to a determination to get out of this bed.

"Of course," Sienna nodded with a genuine and hardened tone. "He can stay as long as he needs to, I'm sure he could get housing permission if he asked."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα