Part 137

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The days seemed to go by quick, at least for Marrow, a young man practically bouncing with energy.

He sat on the porch of his home, kicking his legs as a low hanging cloud roamed overhead.

He waited patiently for his mother's return, which wasn't very long as she crossed the street.

Hopping down from the porch, he ran forward, his tail wagging as he asked.

"Any mail??"

His mother, another canine faunus, smiled as she pulled a letter from a bag of fresh groceries.

With a wide grin on his face, he snatched the envelope from her hands.

"Come help put this stuff away." His mother said, her voice growing distant.

"Y-yeah!" He replied, seeing the name on the letter and tearing it open.

He couldn't wait for a proper moment, the time the cloud cleared and brought in a bright ray of sunshine was as good as any.

"Dear Marrow..." He muttered, his eyes scanning over the rest of the letter.

I don't have much input on your situation, only advice. Ever since I was in Beacon, training, I learnt to ignore those around me. As my dad had taught me long ago, to be the better man, you don't need to give into their hurtful words, only to ignore them. Cause that's all they really are, words.

They'll never hurt as much as a punch, or a kick, but you can recover all the same. You can always get back up from either one.

As for being a Huntsman, if that's really what you want, then do it. Because being a Huntsman is a lot of things, some of those things include having a choice, and a heart. From what I read? You have both.

Don't apply to a combat school thinking of me, go there for yourself. Keep those things in mind, it'll get you further than comparing yourself to someone like me.

But always remember, at the end of the day you always have choice, and with that, your heart.

Thank you for your kind words, and I'm glad to hear that what I did affected you in a way.


As he read the letter one more time, Marrow gingerly folded the letter back up and tucked it in its envelope.

He was still for a moment, pondering Y/N's words with a wide smile on his face and a twinkle of inspiration in his eyes.


The young man blinked and quickly tucked his the letter in his pocket before running back inside, a fire burning in his heart.


A harsh chant was in the air, filled with anger and conviction.

Saber passed a group of White Fang, they relentlessly struck at the air, practicing the same form with their chosen weapons.

The air was cold but it was also filled with hate. It simmered, waiting to be boiled and released onto the world.

They may have been dozens of miles from the nearest Grimm controlled territory, but he often felt anxiety with the amount of negativity in the air.

He snuck away from his peers and colleagues, opting to be somewhere much more peaceful.

Far from a wide training ground is where he sat, sheltered under a rustling palm tree.

Digging into his uniform's pocket, he pulled an envelope free, the writing on its white surface was legible and slowly formed.

Tearing the top open and unraveling a folded paper, he began reading after a short inspection of his surroundings.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now