Part 62

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As the posse of bandits gathered and made their way out into the desert, Y/N stood on a rooftop looking over them all.

With Requiem in hand, he fixed their leader with a sad gaze. He couldn't judge her, not when he had changed as well; for the better was still up for debate.

Halting in their long trek, Raven looked over her Tribe in a silent headcount; while doing so, she saw Y/N's distinct figure, watching, waiting.

As she turned on a pivot, she wondered what could have happened to change him. There weren't many forces on the planet to push a man into such a sharp and shattered weapon.

"You know her?" Sangria asked in a murmur beside him.

"I did." Y/N neutrally replied. "She was a friend..."

Sangria couldn't imagine what he felt like as he rested his finger near the trigger and his rifle remained loaded. She knew he was willing to shoot her dead, but not without remorse for an old friend.

"What are you thinking?" Sangria asked, noticing his downcast expression.

"She's looking for someone," He sighed heavily. "and I'm pretty sure they're here."

"Who could they want?" She said with a scoff.

"Someone like my mom." Y/N said, lowering his voice.

Sighing and pursing her lips to the side, Sangria lowered her rifle before tucking it away. "I'm guessing to kill her."

Averting his eyes, Y/N replied in his voice just above a whisper. "Yeah..."

A few moments passed, with the bandits long gone, Y/N clicked his rifle to his back and sat on the lip of the roof.

"She's smart." Y/N stated, referring to Raven. "She knows how to track someone down; whoever this woman is, she knew it was best to hide nearby."

"How do you know for sure?" Sangria asked, genuinely curious.

"The sword." He replied. "They can feel it; it's like a beacon."

Removing her hat and sitting beside Y/N, she watched him at the corner of her eye.

He was worried, for a good reason as well. So as she pats her hat free of dust, she asked. "What's the plan then?"

"You're willing to help?" He asked. Receiving a glare in return, he reiterated. "This is something I wouldn't want the town getting involved in."

"Tough luck." She said with a shrug, then hopping off the little ledge. "Besides, I don't see you knocking on doors being the best plan."

"I wasn't-" Y/N paused; he figured it was the wrong time and place to say this. Especially to someone like her.

"Wasn't what?" She pushed with a suspicious frown.

"Nothing." Y/N replied, waving a hand. He took one last look at the distant desert and began his way down the roof.

"Sure doesn't seem like nothing." Sangrias insisted, matching his stride.

Sighing to himself, Y/N stopped and took a good long look around.

With no eavesdroppers in sight and smell, he rubbed his eyes and spoke. "I can... feel them."

"Feel?" Sangria said, adopting a small humored grin.

"Yes." Y/N rolled his eyes. "I can feel them, so I'll know who it is."

"Wow..." Sangria stifled a laugh and nodded along. She then flicked her head in the opposite direction. "Let's go feel around then, huh?"

"You have an idea where to start?" He asked, ignoring her insinuation.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu