Part 73

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Y/N sat with a layer of snow on the dirt. He kept Sovereign on his lap with shut eyes to focus every bit of his attention on the task at hand.

A boulder that had been resting in the mountain was beginning to shift. Its massive weight was lowered to a pinch of what it was, allowing the man to mentally lift it from its small pit.

Watching with an attentive gaze, Sable marveled at Y/N's show of endless practice and training.

He had manipulated the boulder's gravity and managed to cause it to float into a much more pleasing position.

Its original color underneath was revealed to be a light beige rather than its sun-cooked red surface. Its age was unknown, but this was the first time it had been moved since Shady Springs was settled.

With crumbs of moist dirt falling from beneath the boulder, it moved, albeit at a snail's pace.

After a few minutes of pure concentration, Y/N released his hold, causing the massive stone to immediately burry itself into the dirt once more.

As it thumped into the ground with a deep rumble, Y/N blinked his eyes wide open to be blinded by the surrounding snow.

"Congratulations." Sable praised softly. She stood from a nearby stone with a cup of tea in hand to inspect the boulder. "...Couldn't have done it better myself."

"You think so?" Y/N asked in disbelief as he stared at his year-long effort. "You could have done it faster, I think."

"It was never about speed." She hummed, sipping her tea. "You did it; that's all that mattered."

She turned to stare at the many other boulders lining the area; she raised her cup in an allowing gesture.

"Let's see how you do moving the others."


"You know... he has a lot of lady friends."

Sangria's expression was hidden beneath the brim of her hat. She watched as Y/N conversed with April, who held Requiem with a smile under her helmet.

They stood at the edge of town with the majority of the town's militia. What they gathered for was on the horizon, a black wave of soulless monsters migrating across the desert.

Standing away from the others with a clear line of sight was Sangria. And her newer recruit Lance.

Lance was a younger man, much younger than Sangria. He was in his late teens with a short head of strawberry blonde hair, while his light complexion was complemented with a small dimple whenever he held his confident grin.

He couldn't see a thing from where he stood, only the massive wave of Grimm lumbering across Vacuo. However, he was sure his boss could see the Grimm as much as they could see them.

But the mass of monsters wasn't his primary concern. Instead, he focused his onyx eyes on the man below who showed April the ins and outs of his famed rifle.

"Really?" Sangria responded dryly after a long pause. "Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him."

"Please." Lance scoffed and jabbed a thumb to his chest. "The ladies love me."

"Your mother doesn't count, kid." Sangria countered.

"She's a very lovely person; I'll have you know."

"Mm-hm..." Sangria hummed, uninterested. Instead, she shouldered her rifle and peered down its hair-thin sights.

With a squeeze of the trigger, she unleashed a fifty-caliber slug from the rooftops to decapitate a straying Ursa.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now