Part 50

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A bell tower watching over the Cathedral tolled. It's deep and bellowing ring could be heard by all, as a signal of a return and resonating hope.

Sitting on a crate of dwindling supplies, Ludwig sighed through his nose, while doing so he caught the tang of iron carried down wind, followed by a mass of whispers from fellow Hunters and surrounding survivors.

The Captain of the Black Hunters had returned, allowed through the massive iron gates and up the tall church stairs.

Being a Captain himself, Ludwig stood while hefting his weapon around his shoulder to greet the recent arrivals.

Descending a set of stairs and standing by large double doors, he stood in wait, as he did so, the deep smell grew stronger and stronger.

Finally, Ludwig could hear him before seeing him, the rustle of his waist length cloak, dark as midnight on the outside and blood red within.

Ascending the church stairs was the Captain, his face, hidden under a cover and a shadow casted from his hat's brim, in the sliver of blackness, Ludwig saw his glowing golden eyes.

He was almost drenched head to toe in blood, yet through the cloak of temptation he remained unbroken, unwavering, steadfast. The same however, could not be said for his missing group of Hunters.

The whispers intensified as civilians came crowding around Ludwig, all in hopes of seeing their loved ones return, only to be heartbroken by the results.

"What happened?" Ludwig asked through the sound of growing whimpers and sobs.

The Captain spoke, his voice low and gravely from a lack of water, only being sustained by the blood of beasts, mad men and unfortunate Hunters.

"The new blood turned..."

From the crowd a woman stepped forward, she clutched a necklace close with a waver in her throat.


The Captain grunted in reply, pushing the new widow to a fit of sobs as she fell to her knees.

"They're pushing into Central." The Black Hunter said, catching everyone's attention. "It won't be long until they breakthrough."

"You're spouting nonsense!" A White garbed Hunter shouted as he stepped forward. "How do we know you didn't just devour them?!"

Ludwig held an outstretched arm, pushing the younger Hunter back with a stern glare.

He knew the feeling all too well, being accused of madness or outright being assumed to be.

"How far?" Ludwig asked his fellow Captain, his expression and tone calm as ever.

"The bridge." He replied simply, shocking the crowd.

"N-no! That cannot be!"

"They're that close?! W-what are we going to do?!"

"That's just a moments walk!"

Their eyes crossed, his golden orbs narrowed with urgency. "There's a Beast... the biggest one I've ever seen. It's not moving, like--it's guarding the exit."

Ludwig quietly sighed, he stepped away from the crowd to stair at the unknown just down the stairs.

Hearing a pair of heavy footfalls beside him, Ludwig saw the much taller Captain in his peripherals.

"It's Stephen." The Black Hunter quietly revealed. "I could smell it."

Ludwig shook his head with remorse. He knew Stephen, the most prominent fact to the young Hunter was his stance on religion. Stephen was a cleric.

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