Part 147

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Much like his journey to claim Sovereign, Y/N had taken an almost zigzag route to his destination, Beacon.

He wasn't in a hurry, he couldn't possibly be when this was the fastest way there. As much as he would have liked to stay with Sienna another couple days, he had already put off seeing Glynda for a week.

The route to Beacon was pretty simple. He would take the Bullhead to Patch, then a transport all the way to Vale and finally to Beacon.

It was a common commute for Qrow, or at least it was. Now it was just an old nostalgic flight Y/N had to catch.

He thought this all over as the evening sun was high above, bringing a slight warmth to a winter breeze.

He flicked a small gathering of snow on a pier's railing, simply to watch it whisk away in a fine powder.

Standing straight and patting his gloves of the white powder, he began his walk, following a street path to a dirt road, from there, it was all an old memory.

Taiyang wasn't here to greet him this time, no, Y/N figured the walk would do him good while giving his old friend a nice surprise.

The overhead trees rustled, raining down a sheen of snow as if it was falling again. The cold touch it offered was nice, even admired.

There was always something about Patch that he liked. If he wasn't so nonchalant at the time, he would have wanted to settle down here.

That reminded him, as he neared Taiyang's cabin, he looked off to the west, where his purchased land was just a dozen miles within reach.

He mulled it over, but his strict schedule kept him from going. All he had was a fond thought before he continued on.

Next time...

Y/N stood on the same wooden floor that was Taiyang's porch. It's surface was littered with little icy patches, formed when packed down from constant foot traffic.

Making a fist and rapping his knuckle on the door, his keen hearing caught the all too familiar voice of his childhood friend.



Y/N hadn't heard that name in years, let alone seen the owner, but the weight behind her muffled approach was already an indicator of the time that passed.

Acting in a pinch, Y/N tucked his arms closer and slid his hands into his jacket pocket. All to be - in Sienna's words - less him.

The wobbling doorknob and swinging door honestly surprised Y/N, he couldn't ever imagine being this casual with his own kid.

As is swung open, Y/N could immediately recognize Yang. Not much was different other than her losing the pigtails and gaining a new tooth where the old gap was. She was also in heavier clothing due to the weather.

"Hello." Yang greeted him kindly, her purple eyes showing no recognition for him whatsoever.

He actually let you answer the door.

"Hey, Yang." Y/N sighed. "I'm here to see your dad."

"Hmm..." She narrowed her eyes, fixing him with a suspicious glare before it snapped away and turned welcoming. "Okay!"

And with that, she ran away, calling to her dad within the large home.

"Dad?! Someone's here to see you!"

"Yeah?!" Taiyang grunted with a muffled thud. "Is it my package?!"

Almost tumbling down the stairs in a sprint, Taiyang stopped, frozen with wide eyes.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now