Part 74

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"Four years."

Y/N stood atop one of the many mesas dotting Vacuo. Its flat top was crusted with a deep vibration, its grains of sand trembled, and the stone formation was threatened with collapsing.

Sable. Ridden in bed and too weak to stand. She fixed Y/N with an attentive gaze and furrowed brows.

"I've shown you all that I can... now I want you to show me what you can do."

She turned her head to a nearby window where her eyes lied on the massive cliffs overlooking the desert.

Y/N returned her hold with a gentle hand as he listened to her whispered words.

"Give it your all..."

The ground quaked beneath him, like Remnant itself feared his approach and the sword he carried.

The air crackled with the stimulation of magic; it was active and sour, leaving goosebumps over Y/N's body.

As he breathed, frosty air met the hot sun, and as his shoes shuffled along the ground, the sand burnt with triple-digit heat.

The slight friction in his clothes generated sparks of electricity; it crackled and popped in the steam emanating from his skin.

The thump of his heart synced with the tremors in the land, shifting rocks with just the vibration of his vital organ alone.

The sand caught aflame, scorching its grains black and turning the lightning from his body a terrifying white.

His arsenal of magic began to blow in a turbine of wind; it brought forth a collection of dark clouds that slowly blotted out the sun.

Next, Y/N felt his body grow heavy as man-made darkness surrounded him, shifting the surrounding gravity to nearly twice its natural count.

Then, he felt a sprinkle of ran touch his skin. The bits of moisture either froze or boiled away as they neared his body.

And finally, as he reached overhead to unsheathe Sovereign, the effects were nearly quadrupled, turning his surroundings into a devastating area of destruction.

With his aura flared and the runes brightly lit, Y/N held his mighty sword in both hands and pointed its blade to the molten dirt.

His last card had yet to be played as it was the trickiest and most challenging to do.

Plunging his weapon into the ground, he shut his eyes for a light blue glow to encase his hands.

Remaining rooted in his position, Y/N's hands tightened on Sovereign's hilt, causing the joints in his knuckles to whiten and pang with minor pain.

"You have a lot of confidence." Y/N said, earning a small smile from the Maiden.

"I wouldn't call it confidence." She said with a slight wheeze from her throat. "More like certainty."

"You really think I'm ready?" Y/N asked, his voice lowering and his expression turning solemn.

"As ready as ready can be..."

The light in his hand burst outward, projecting a hard light shield all around him to give him a moment of clarity.

With no crashing winds or frozen rain to disturb him, Y/N's calm breaths turned ragged as his heart thumped with adrenaline.

Y/N's bicep suddenly tensed, causing Sovereign to be ripped from the ground.

Swinging his weapon in a wide arc, he grunted as the shield busted wide open with the visual similarity as shattered glass.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now