Part 125

552 33 17

Recent events have been piling, nearly overwhelming Y/N with even more problems.

He spoke, his lips forming sentences with his beloved wife, still unaware of something that had slipped his mind.

As Glynda left for dinner, he looked down to his scroll, reading line after line of fiction. It passed the time, undisturbed even when nurses and doctors chatted, even visited for a small checkup.

It was until she returned did it happen, a jump in memory of a certain someone.

Setting down a bag of food, Glynda dug out a few boxes and a pair of small bowls, cold to the touch.

"What's this?" Y/N asked, holding the small disposable bowl.

"Ice cream." She replied. "Hand rolled."


Y/N plopped open the little wooden lid to stare at a mixture of flavor, chopped strawberries, chocolate chip, and the most delectable vanilla he had seen in a while.

He stared at it, his brows furrowing with thought and recollection.

"What's wrong?" Glynda asked, worried.

"Uhh, nothing." Y/N shook his head and pulled his scroll close. "Just remembered something..."

Glynda watched with a raised brow as he dialed a number and held it to his head, the silence between them deafening.


Neo's new life was dull, repetitive. After hunkering down for a couple weeks, she returned to Haven, assisting Sapphire as much as she could until her time had been served.

It may have been boring, but it was the better alternative to some prison in the tundra.

She kicked her legs over a ledge, the cold stone beneath her was the lip to a complete drop off, leading to certain death at the bottom of a luscious mountain.

The manor the Councilwoman occupied was to her back, and overheard was her parasol, blocking out the bright sun and a sprinkle of snow.

She admired the view before her, the distant and towering mountains split with beautiful waterfalls offered some sort of tranquility, if not minor entertainment.

A voice called out to her, it was stern yet almost dismissive. The councilwoman.

"Neopolitan." Sapphire greeted.

Despite how much she hated the use of her full name, Neo responded, jumping to a stance and following the no nonsense woman.

"Let's make this quick," She said, pushing a massive door open and closing it behind them. "I have a meeting to get to."

The manor was empty, as always. Neo often wondered if Sapphire had any help at all maintaining it.

The short walk ended in Sapphire's office, with the woman herself slapping a small pile of files on her expensive desk.

"Y/N called," She sighed, also gaining Neo's utmost attention and curiosity. "He had quite a bit to say, mostly pertaining to your sentencing."

Neo's brows furrowed, wordlessly asking her to continue.

"We made a little deal, you'll be released on parol, the length of which is yet to be decided."

Dual colored eyes widened in surprise. She remembered Y/N saying he would vouch for her, but not to this extent.

"Your record is to be expunged, down to the last iota. Now," She raised a stern finger. "This doesn't mean you can do as you wish, you will be monitored weekly, checking in with a designated Hunter or parol officer."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now